Chapters Four

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Four: Forks High School
Part Two

Angela who had come out of her shell around Lena a little more since meeting her at the start of their History class smiled at the girl, "I'll let you borrow my notes, so you can catch up in History and English."

Lena smiled at her "thanks Angela, I appreciate that a lot." Lauren smiled slightly happy to see the shy brunette come out of her shell a little bit with a new face.

French went by rather quickly. It wasn't hard for Lena to catch up with the rest of the class, being a Legacy of Aphrodite, made speaking French since it was the language of love easier for her. Mrs. Adamson was surprised at how easily Lena caught up, to be starting halfway through the semester.

Nothing interesting or difficult happened in English either so that class went by quickly as well, and after that Angela and Lena met back up with Lauren and the trio were on their way to the cafeteria. Lena also agreed to let Angela run the cover story for the paper about her once she learned that Angela was on the school paper. Angela was grateful to have something new to run the feature on.

After school was over Angela was going to take the photos and give Lena her History and English notes to help her get caught up.

Lauren smirked at Lena "oh Jess is going to love you, from what I've learned about you so far, you'll get along great with her, and the four of us need to go shopping together like your sense of style is just impeccable and I've only seen you in the one outfit."

Lena grinned, "well I can't wait to meet her and yes, I am so down for a shopping trip." They walked into the cafeteria making everyone look at them. Lena had her head held high as she spoke with Lauren and Angela.

Bella had an envious glare on her face at all the attention Lena was getting when they all should be looking at her instead.

The trio went through the line and got their food and Lauren led Lena to their regular table. Letting her sit beside Jessica even though that was normally her seat, Lauren sat on the other side of Lena.

She gave a distasteful look at the brunette sitting across from Jessica, "Jess who is this?" Angela sat down beside Bella across from Lena.

Jessica looked at Lauren, "Isabella Swan, chief Swan's daughter," then she looked at Lena and "who might you be?"

Lena smiled at the perky brunette, "Yelena Dwyer, you can call me Lena though, I just know that we're going to be great friends."

Lauren smirked, "yep Lena is going to fit right in with us Jess."

Isabella looked at the blonde, "it's just Bella." She had a smug look on her face noticing the way the three boys were paying attention to her and not her stupid stepsister.

That was when Lauren noticed that Mike, Eric, and Tyler were all staring at the dull brunette like she was something special... She rolled her eyes. Lena, she could understand if their attention was on her because she was gorgeous but the brunette was plain and dull. "Well just Bella, I'd wipe that smug look off your face, because I run the social scene here in this school and honey you just aren't it."

Bella scoffed, looking offended of course she thought, she was important, that she deserved everyone's attention on her. Lena let out a bark of laughter before she fist-bumped Lauren "that was a good one."

Isabella glared at Lena, "no one asked you."

Lena rolled her eyes, "it's a free country sweetheart, I can say whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want... and your stick thin little ass can't do shit about it."

gold rush || Felix VolturiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora