Chapter Twenty

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Twenty: A Trip to First Beach and Alice’s Vision.

A few days after Lena told the three girls the truth about being a witch they were closer than ever and Lena turned on her bond sight curious since her mom had said they could be soul sisters but she hadn’t thought to check after she had told them and she looked at the three of them and sure enough there were three dark pink bonds going from her to Lauren, Jess, and Angela which meant that Kassia was correct and the three girls were her soul sisters, which made everything make more sense.

Lauren had just invited her to go to First Beach with them the following day, Lena turned her bond sight off and smiled at the blonde, “Sure it sounds like fun.”

Jess grinned at her “Awesome.”

Bella joined them making the four girls roll their eyes, but Lena rolled her eyes again at hearing Mike invited her to go to the beach with them as well, she had hoped that no one would mention it to the brunette and that she wouldn’t have to spend more time than she had to with her.

Isabella had given the boy a flirty smile and agreed to come, making the other girls at the table share a disgusted look. After that, Isabella stood up and approached where Edward was standing by the salad bar.

Lena rolled her eyes seeing the dull brunette talking to Edward, she really didn’t like him all that much but she really didn’t want Isabella to know about the supernatural world because then she will be even more annoying than she already was. She knew that as long as Isabella was infatuated with Edward that it was inevitable that she would find out the truth which Lena supposed that she could turn her into the Volturi for knowing about vampires when humans aren’t allowed to know without express permission from the Volturi.

Lena smirked to herself, there was that option if it became too much of an issue. The Volturi were also the only coven of vampires that were aware of the Mythological world there were a few lone vamps that knew as well but the Volturi were the only coven aware of the other world. Just thought I’d throw that out there.


The following day Lena met up with her friends at the beach. Jess, Lauren, and Lena were getting ready to go surfing while Angela was setting up a blanket to whale watch and snap some pictures.

Lauren looked at them, “Ugh we need prom dates… and I don't want to go with someone from our school because they more than likely have had a run with Isabella, and I don’t want to catch something.

Lena snorted “That is so true Laur, I mean we could always go with each other as friends as an alternative.”

Jess nodded in agreement with Lena, “Lena has a point  and I also agree with Laur so let's the four of us just go together as friends.”

“I’m down with that.” Angela agreed.

The three had just finished zipping their wetsuits up when Isabella sauntered over like she was important for being invited, which made Lena roll her eyes. Then Jacob and two of his friends walked up and Bella gave the younger male a flirty smile, “So what you stalking me now?”

“Hey, now you’re on my Rez now,” giving her the same smile that she had given him. Making Lena wanna throw up.

Bella then introduced Jacob to the others and then Jess smirked looking at the three males from the Rez, “You guys should keep Isabella company since her date bailed.”

Isabella glowered at the brunette, “It wasn't a date.”

“What date?” questioned Mike giving Jess a look.

“She invited Edward Cullen,” Jess told him with a barely concealed smirk knowing how Mike had a thing for Isabella. Jess was over her little crush on the blonde male but was still a little petty about the whole situation.

Mike’s face fell at that, “oh.”

“I invited him to be nice, he was busy anyway and couldn’t make it.” Isabella defended.

Mike perked up slightly at that as he spoke again, “Good cause Cullen’s a freak.”

The man to the left of Jacob scoffed “You got that right.”

The dull brunette gave him a look. “You know them?”

“The Cullens don't come here.” Jacob shot him a look at that which made Lena want to groan because she realized that Isabella had registered what he had said it just meant that she would be looking into it more and would inadvertently figure out their secret. She would have to warn Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice about this later.

Then Isabella casually pulls Jacob aside, “You want to go look at tide pools?” She gave him another flirtatious smile and Jacob grinned he was already infatuated with her and they headed toward the water.

Lena did in fact let out a small annoyed huff as the two walked away, making her friends look at her, she shook her head and muttered “Later, too many ears around right now.”

The girls nodded at that accepting the answer realizing it was something to do with the supernatural world and the boys can’t be told about it.


While Lena was having fun with her girls at the beach Alice was sitting on the couch in the Cullen home reading a fashion magazine while Jasper was beside her reading a book, she gasped as she had a vision.

Her gasp drew the attention of her husband, Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward who were the only ones in the house at the moment. Edward being his nosey no boundaries self read her mind as the vision played meaning he saw what she was seeing.


Lena was standing inside a beautifully decorated apartment with a gorgeous blonde woman standing in front of her, “darling, unfortunately, I have to go by and check on the progress of the museum, but you can go on the tour without me and then tell me all about it later.”

Lena sighed, “Okay Mom, since I know that your job is the main reason we are here on this trip to begin with I won’t hold that against you… but what if they try to eat me? You an I both know what that tour is a guise for.”

The woman chuckled, “Just tell them who your grandfather is and they will not harm you in any way. I assure you.”

End of Vision.

Alice looked confused, “what the hell was that about?” Edward interrogated.

Making the Pixie-like vampire roll her eyes, “I don’t know Edward, okay I just have the visions I don’t always understand them.”

Jasper looked at his wife, “what did you see?”

And then Alice explained what she saw to the ones that couldn’t see it as Edward did. Rosalie gave her a look, “just ask Lena about it the next time you see her.”

Edward scoffed but they just ignored him and Alice agreed to speak to the blonde witch about it the next time she saw her.


Later the girls gathered around the cars after everyone else had left, “what did you mean earlier Lena?” Jessica questioned,

“Well I just noticed that Isabella had caught what the dude had said about the Cullens,” she rolled her eyes, “and now she’s going to find out about the supernatural world and will be even more annoying than she already is and no I can not elaborate on how the Cullens factor into this, sorry girls but it’s not my secret to tell and again you have to have special permission to reveal it to someone.”

Jessica understood what that meant since she already knew the Cullen family's vampire secret. The other two nodded, understanding that it wasn’t something that Lena could reveal.

After that the four girls headed home.

Here is Chapter Twenty :D and as promised the Twilight events are being moved up and happening next chapter will be the dress shopping stuff (:

gold rush || Felix VolturiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon