Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Volterra Castle Tour

Lena was sitting on a barstool in the kitchen of their apartment, which Kassia had decided to buy since she now knew her mate lived in Volterra.

The blonde teenager was sipping on an apple mango smoothie while she waited for her mother to get ready they were going on a tour of the Volterra castle and Lena was officially meeting Marcus today, Kassia had been going out with him and the two of them were getting to know each over the past two weeks that they had spent in Volterra.

Marcus had asked to meet Lena if Kassia was comfortable with it so soon. And Kassia agreed, she was surprised at how quickly he wanted to meet her daughter, but she was happy nonetheless.

The older blonde came out of her bedroom with her phone pressed to her ear and an apologetic look aimed at Lena who sighed as her mother finished up the call, "Darling, unfortunately, I have to go by and check on the progress of the museum, but you can go on the tour without me and then tell me how it went later tonight over dinner."

Lena nodded and sighed, "Okay Mom, since I know that your job is the main reason that we are here on this trip to begin with I won't hold that against you... though meeting Marcus with you there would have been more ideal... what if they try to eat me with the rest of the tourists since we both know what that tour is a guise for?"

The older woman chuckled, "I know little dove... how about I arrange for the three of us to have dinner, that way you can get to know him better after you meet him after the tour today. Also, if anyone tries to threaten you in any way, just tell them who your grandfather is or tell Marcus who you are, and he will not let any harm come to you."

Lena nodded at her mother, "All right Mom, that sounds like a plan..."

Kassia kissed her on the head as Lena finished her smoothie and the two headed out Kassia dropped Lena off where the tour started, and the blonde witch waited for maybe ten minutes with the others as a beautiful woman with shiny dark brown hair and alluring red eyes opened the door, an almost predatory look in her eyes, "Welcome to the Volterra castle, I will be your guide Heidi..." she trailed off a smirk gracing her face, "it's gonna be a killer tour."

Lena held back a snort at that she already quite liked this vampire just from that introduction alone. Lena knew that they would get along. Lena stayed toward the back of the group, but she was also taking pictures to show the girls later, she knew that Angela would love the architecture and history everywhere.

The whole tour lasted 45 minutes before they came upon the doors to the throne room. Lena was a little nervous now, but she didn't let it show, she kept her face neutral without seeming suspicious. She remembered her mother's lessons.

The doors creaked open and the group of tourists was ushered inside, Lena stuck toward the wall, trying to go unnoticed by the feeding vampires... until she was noticed by a male vampire, that was around 6 foot tall, with black hair and burgundy red eyes after all the other tourists were drained, "well seems we missed one."

Lena just smirked as she stepped forward her head held high, "Yeah, I wouldn't do that if I were you hotshot..." She had read his mind and saw that he was planning to feed on her... "It would literally be your funeral, and not to mention you would have a blood feud on your hands, which is really not something you want from my grandfather..." Lena caught Marcus' eye over the vampire's shoulder which made a mischievous glint appear in her eyes which Marcus furrowed his brow over, "Not to mention that my mother would be absolutely furious... so before you do something you will regret let me formally introduce myself, my name is Yelena Dwyer and my mother is Kassia Athanasiou who is the mate to one of your kings so you can see how that would not work in your favor and my grandfather Silas Athanasiou well that's a whole other story and also would not work in your favor at all."

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