Chapter Five

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Act One: The Arrival

Chapter Five: The Diner and Grocery Shopping

Lena pulled into the parking lot of the diner and saw Bella's rust bucket parked out front and parked a few paces down from it just so she wasn't directly beside the ugly thing.

Bella's face dropped into an annoyed sneer which was unnoticed by Charlie as Lena walked into the diner. Charlie smiled at the blonde as she sat down, "sorry I'm late one of my new friends is on the school paper and I offered to answer some questions and take some pictures for the feature."

Charlie shook his head "oh no you're not too late, we just got here anyway." while Bella's scowl deepened, sure she turned the feature down when Eric had brought it up but she didn't think that someone would ask Lena, when she was obviously the better option.

Lena rolled her eyes seeing the look that Isabella was giving her, she didn't even need to use her telepathy to know what the girl was thinking and yes Lena could read Bella's thoughts because as part of her abilities was a shield breaker it wasn't permanent unless she wanted it to be, but she didn't know that Bella was a shield anyway since the ability kind of automatically worked for her but if she wanted to use it for someone else she had to actually concentrate. (Thought that would be a cool little twist since you don't see it much in fics)

She also could keep people out of her own head as well as part of her abilities from the bloodline of witches that she comes from. Though for Lena it was a spell that protected her mind. It was one of the first spells that her grandfather and mother taught her.

Charlie looked between the two girls not wanting to exclude either of them "how was your first day?"

Bella gave him a short answer, "it was good."

Lena on the other hand was much more forthcoming and friendly "it was good, made some friends, Angela Weber was the one that's on the paper, Lauren Mallory she was my guide to show me around this morning and then I met Jessica Stanley at lunch though I haven't had much of chance to speak to her since we don't have any classes together like I do with the other two but she seemed cool."

Charlie nodded at the blonde "well they are good kids, I know their parents and they haven't given me any trouble thus far so that is a step in the right direction."

Cora the waitress came up to the table then and took their orders, once she walked away Bella had to bring the attention back to her, "Do you know the Cullen family?"

Charlie looked at her, "Yeah, why? people talking about them again?"

Bella nodded a spark in her eye, hoping that her father could tell her something about the mysterious family that she was slowly becoming obsessed with even though she just learned about them, "yeah a little bit."

"It's only because they're newcomers, listen the Cullens, they've been nothing but nice ever since they moved here. People around here they should be happy, a surgeon like Doctor Cullen is working in our podunk hospital. Happy his wife wanted to move into a small town and his kids, those kids give me no trouble, not like the other hellraisers around here."

Bela rolled her eyes, that wasn't what she was hoping to find out but put a fake smile on her face so that her father wouldn't be suspicious of her, about why she was asking about them.

Lena just rolled her eyes as their food was brought out to them, once the waitress sat the food on the table Waylon Forge walked up to the table he was an old friend of Charlie's. The man smiled at them, he was looking at Bella, "you remember me?" The Swan girl looked between Waylon and her father and slightly shook her head. "I played Santa one year."

Lena was just watching this happen since it had nothing to do with her because she knew how to mind her own business.

Charlie gave his old friend a look "Bella hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four Waylon."

"I bet I made an impression though."

"Yeah, you always do."

"Hey kids loved those little bottles." was the last thing Waylon said before Cora the waitress shooed him off to let them eat in peace. After they left the trio alone at the table Charlie and Bella both went for the ketchup at the same time, there was a bit of an awkward exchange after that. Lena just quietly ate her food.

After they finished dinner at the diner, the three left, Charlie and Bella headed home but Lena headed to the only grocery store in town, with the list she had asked Charlie to make that morning. She would have asked Bella but she knew that Bella would tell her that she could buy her own grocery items.

Lena grabbed the money that Charlie insisted she take to buy the groceries with and the grocery list and got out of her car, making sure to lock it behind her.

The blonde walked into the store and grabbed a shopping cart and made her way through the store getting the items on the list and crossing them off as she went. Once she had gotten all the things that Charlie had written down, she went through and got some things so that she could make the smoothies that she usually made in the mornings.

Once she had all of that she was ready to check out, she went through the line and the cashier checked her items out and then told her the total and she gave him the money and then was on her way she loaded the things into her car and drove back to Charlie's.

The blonde witch grabbed some of the bags and headed into the house, Charlie was walking out of the kitchen when she walked in. Lena sat the bags down and Charlie looked at her "oh let me help you with those."

Lena nodded "okay." So the two of them got the rest of the bags and brought them into the house and Charlie helped Lena put everything away. Once they were finished the blonde smiled "there we go. Thank you, Charlie. " Then she walked back to her car to grab her school stuff.

She walked back into the house "I will be in my room doing my homework if you need me."

Charlie nodded at her "okay." And then walked back into the living room to watch TV.

Lena made her way upstairs and to her bedroom, to do her homework just as she said.

Not much happened in this chapter action wise but I wanted to include the bit that was talking a little about her powers since I haven't really mentioned them yet. 

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