Chapter Twenty-Four

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Twenty-Four: Vampire Baseball and Isabella Has a Meltdown

Rosalie had invited Lena to play baseball with them and the blonde witch agreed, Rosalie said that since Edward was bringing Isabella it was only fair that she and Alice got to bring Lena.

Edward had disagreed, but ultimately Carlisle shut him down and told Rosalie that she could invite the blonde witch. The Cullen Patriarch knew that Edward would be foolish to make an enemy out of the blonde because of the power her family holds, but the bronze-haired vampire wouldn't listen to reason.

The Coven leader had tried to explain it to his eldest, but Edward just wasn't having it, too lost in Bella's ass to realize how big of a mistake he was making and how it could cost him his life if he made the wrong move against the blonde witch, and he probably wouldn't realize it until it was too late.

Lena was meeting them at the Cullen house, and then going with them to the place where they were playing baseball, that was where she was currently headed. She knew that Isabella and Edwerido were going to be there, that was the first thing that Rosalie told her when she invited the blonde to come, but she knew that she could ignore them long enough to enjoy spending time with her friends.

Lena pulled up to the house and got out of her car and immediately was pulled into a hug by Alice, "Lena! That baseball jersey looks so cute on you!"

Lena laughed, reciprocating the hug, "Thank you, Ali, it's one of my dad's old ones."

Rose looked at her, "Your dad plays baseball?"

"Yeah he's a minor league player, he owns the team he plays for, and his best friend Wesley is a co-owner but manages the team since dad can't manage it while he's actively playing on the team."

"Wow, that's cool, Lena."

Lena grinned at that, "Yeah he's actually really good too, Dad could definitely go major league if he wanted, he's got the talent for it... so whichever team I'm against in this game better watch out because I know what I'm doing when it comes to baseball."

They laughed as they made their way toward Emmett's Jeep. Carlisle, Esme, and the others were already there, Rose and Alice went back to the house to pick Lena up. So the trio got into the jeep and Rosalie drove back to the clearing where they were going to be playing baseball.

Once they arrived and got out of the Jeep, Edward said nothing and got into the Jeep and drove off to pick Isabella up.

Alice smiled at the blonde as they approached the others, "W don't you sleep over tonight, Lena?"

"Sounds like a plan Ali, after the game I'll go and get some clothes and stuff, and we'll have a sleepover, it's been ages since I've had one."

"Yaay!" Alice clapped happily, making Lena and the others laugh. They were just waiting for Edward and Isabella to show up before they started.

Rose smirked, "I want Lena on my team."

Lena smirked as well. "I am so down for that."

Carlisle nodded at the two, "Very well then, Lena can be on your team, Rosalie." The two high-fived at that, Carlisle smiled at the two he was happy that Rosalie had warmed up to Lena so quickly, but he expected it after Alice told them about her vision of the two blondes being friends.

They made small talk while waiting for the other two to arrive, Isabella scowled the moment that she saw Lena there, Edward seeing the look on her face, gave her a sympathetic look, "Sorry that she's here love, but I tried to talk Carlisle out of letting her come, but he wouldn't listen which is odd because he normally does whatever I want him to do."

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