Chapter Seventeen

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Act One: The Arrival

Chapter Seventeen: Lena Visits the Cullen Home

Phil had stayed in Forks with Lena for three weeks, in that time Lena had gotten her car fixed and everything, and Phil had bonded more with Charlie. They were becoming friends which the blonde witch was sure could lead to more than friendship but was just sitting back and watching things unfold.

Phil hadn't told Renee about the divorce yet, he was still working on getting all the papers ready and then he was going to serve them to her and everything. Phil had confided in Charlie about what was happening, and the other man agreed that divorcing her was the best option.

Phil was on a flight back to Jacksonville to confront the other members of his team to find out which ones had slept with his soon-to-be ex-wife, he was going to fire them all if need be, his lawyer said that everything should be in place once he arrived back in Jacksonville.

The bitch that he married wouldn't see it coming and everything would come crashing down around her... which she honestly deserved for thinking that she could get away with what she was doing.

Also, Isabella was none the wiser to anything that was being planned because Lena knew that she would tell her mother about it and then Renee would try and convince Phil that none of it was true and blah, blah, blah.

Lena was currently getting ready to go over to the Cullen's. Alice had invited her over, wanting to know more about her and everything since the conversation they had in Biology that day. Edward was going to be out of the house which also worked for Lena to come over to their home.

She was just about to walk out the door when Isabella came downstairs, a sneer on her face as she looked at the blonde, ever since the rumor spread around people were refusing to sleep with her and not to mention Charlie grounded her after he heard the full rumor from one of his deputies whose daughter goes to Forks High School.

"Where are you going?"

Lena rolled her eyes, "Out because unlike you, I have friends that like me." the brunette scoffed as Lena walked out the door. Charlie was only letting Bella out of the house to go to school and that was pretty much it which made Lena laugh because in a way it was karma for what the brunette had done to her.

A little while later Lena pulled up to the house following the direction Alice had sent her, she had an impressed look on her face seeing the house, and she grinned to herself, "Oh mom would love this house." then she got out of her car and walked up to the door and right as she was about to knock Alice pulled the door open.

"Hi, Lena."

Lena chuckled "Hey Alice."

"Come on in." then she grabbed the blonde's arm gently and pulled her into the house and led her toward the living room where everyone but Edward was waiting, Carlisle and Esme, both had wanted to meet the blonde.

Lena just chuckled at the pixie-like vampire, Rosalie was the first to speak when they arrived in the living room she had been wanting to question this since she saw it happen two weeks ago but never got the right opportunity to ask, "all right Lena so I have a question I've been meaning to ask but haven't found the right moment to ask."

The blonde witch smiled at her, "Sure ask away Rosalie."

She nodded, "Okay so, a little while back Jasper and I saw you do something..." she trailed off trying to figure out the best way to word this without sounding crazy... "you were talking to one of the senior boys..."

Len knew exactly what she was talking about, "Oh that... I didn't realize anyone saw that but it's called Charmspeak and I really didn't expect it to work because I've never used it before. Still, it's something I inherited from my mother who inherited it from my grandmother." they may be supernatural. Still, they had to get permission to reveal the mythological world to the supernatural one so she was being as vague about it as she could.

Rosalie shared a look with, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper, a look that confused Esme and Carlisle but Lena saw the flash of recognition in their eyes making the blonde witch furrow her brow slightly. The four of them would speak more about that once Carslile and Esme weren't around.

Alice broke the silence, "All right then Lena meet Carlisle and Esme."

The blonde smiled at the two, "Hi, it's nice to meet you both."

They both smiled at her as well, she held a hand out to shake, and Carlisle shook her hand while Esme, looked at her "It's very nice to meet you Lena, Alice has spoken very highly of you, do you mind if I hug you?"

Lena smiled at the woman, "I don't mind at all." the woman pulled her into a hug at the confirmation.

The coven patriarch spoke to the blonde witch, "It's very nice to meet you, Lena." HE had met Kassia, so he knew that if she was anything like her mother, she would be a sweet person unless you provoked her.

"So Carslile mentioned that your family is even respected by the Volturi, that's impressive," Jasper said, looking at the blonde witch.

Lena nodded, "yeah, from what I remember from the lessons about my family from my grandfather, one of my ancestors knew Aro, Marcus, and Caius back when they first were turned, their creator was one of the oldest Allies to the Athanasiou Coven and when I say coven I mean of witches."

This turned out to be more of a filler chapter...

I am currently UNWELL and in SHAMBLES because of that, You're Losing Me bridge... LIKE OUCH....

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter next chapter will hopefully get back into the next part of Twilight we will see once I start writing chapter 18. 

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