Chapter Nineteen

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Nineteen: Lena Tells Her Friends About Her Magic


A few days later after Lena's trip to the Cullens and finding out about what she did she was on the phone with her mother she was finally getting around to asking her if she could tell Lauren, Jess, and Angela about her being a witch.

"Hey, mom."

Kassia smiled, "Hi darling how are you today?"

"Good, Forks isn't so bad... it's kind of growing on me, but Lauren, Jess, and Ang have a lot to do with that... which brings me to part of the reason I called today, can I tell them about being a witch? I don't know what it is but something from the moment I met them told me that I could trust them, I've never had that feeling so soon after meeting anyone before."

Kassia took a moment to think over Lena's words, "You could have a soul-sibling bond with the three of them, which would explain why you trusted them so quickly after meeting them... but I don't see an issue with that as long as you feel they will keep your secret."

The blonde Legacy grinned, "I do believe that they can be trusted with this especially Jess since she is a demi-goddess and knows the importance of keeping these kinds of secrets."

The older woman was silent for a moment before she spoke, "Very well then my darling, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to tell them about being a witch... what was the other reason for this call since you said that was only part of it?" there was a teasing tone in Kassia's voice as she asked that last question.

Lena chuckled "Well I also just wanted to talk to you it had been a few days since we had spoken with you being busy with work and me being busy with school and everything." though she knew her mother was teasing she still answered the question.

The mother-daughter duo talked for a little while longer before they hung up and Lena sent out a group text to her three friends asking if they would come over that she needed to tell them something important.

Within two minutes, she received a response from all three, stating that they would arrive as soon as possible. Although curious about the reason for the gathering, they agreed to find out upon their arrival. Ten minutes later, all four girls gathered in Lena's room as she prepared to reveal part of the truth to Lauren and Angela while disclosing everything to Jess, who being a demi-goddess herself was already aware of Lena's status as a Legacy of Aphrodite.

Lauren looked at her fellow blonde, "Lena what's going on?"

The blonde witch blew out a breath, looking at the three of them, "I don't know what it is about you guys but from the moment I met all three of you I felt as if I could trust you, which is rare for me to feel as if I can trust someone that soon after meeting them, but I felt it with all three of you and I spoke to my mother who said that just as long as I feel like the three of you will keep what I am about to tell you a secret that she didn't see an issue with me revealing this to you three and you guys have easily become my best friends and I didn't want to keep this from you any longer there is one other thing but I am not allowed to reveal that without special permission that I don't have at the moment so I'll get back with you on that when I know I can actually tell you about it... but this I only needed to ask my mother for permission since it's my maternal grandfather's side's family secret."

They all had curious looks on their faces at that, the three of them felt the same feeling when they first met Lena which is why they all three accepted her into their little group so fast. "Okay, Lena what is it?" Angela questioned.

"Okay so you might have a bit of trouble believing this but I assure you that I am not lying to you in any way and that this is 100 percent true..." she trailed off trying to find the best way to explain this to them. "Okay, so I should just say it and not beat around the bush... cause I hate when people do that... so that being said I'm a witch and an Athanasiou witch at that."

Jess looked at her for a moment she had heard about them before, "Holy shit... Lena, are you being for real right now? Cause damn if you are you've got some serious juice... girl."

Lena started laughing, she knew that Jess would be the one that would believe her the easiest... "Yes Jess I'm being for real right now... and technically speaking my mother and grandfather are the ones with all the juice at least until I turn 19 and inherit my full power."

Angela was the next to speak "Prove it."

Lena smirked; she was hoping that she would get the chance to prove it. She held her hand out palm up and a second later there was a flame resting in her palm, "I can do elemental magic." she flipped her palm around and the frame disappeared.

"Woah..." Angela said in shock at what she had seen.

Lauren looked at Lena and frankly, she was stunned she had not been expecting to learn that things were very different than she had initially thought... but her instincts were telling her to trust her fellow blonde and her instincts had never steered her wrong before so she smiled at the blonde witch, "wow that is definitely not what I was expecting... but my instincts are telling me to trust you and they've not steered me wrong before so there we go."

Lena grinned at them "Thank you guys for not freaking out about this... I knew that my feeling wouldn't be wrong and that I could trust you guys with this."

I promise that the next chapter will move the Twilight events forward... hope you guys enjoy this chapter though (: 

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