Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Act One: The Arrival
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Lena Goes to Italy

The rest of the school year passed by without incident, and it was finally the start of summer vacation, Lauren and the girls were helping Lena pack since her mother was picking her up the next morning, "Girl I cannot believe that you are spending an entire three months in Italy. "

"Right, you better get us a souvenir and send us tons of pictures.' Jess gave the blonde witch a look.

Lena laughed, "Of course, I will Jess... had this not already been planned for a whole three months before I moved here I totally would have convinced Mom to let you girls come with but since everything was basically set up already I knew that would be a hassle so the next trip is going to be a girl's trip with the four of us."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Lauren said, and the other two agreed. So they helped her finish packing and then stayed for dinner, which Lena cooked, and then the three went home and Lena headed up to bed after her dad and Charlie volunteered to clean up since she had cooked.


The next morning Lena was up bright and early, she was excited about this trip and her mom was picking her up at 6, it was currently 4:30, she wanted enough time to shower and everything before her mom arrived.

Phil chuckled, seeing his daughter almost vibrating with excitement, he had gotten up early enough to see her off since she wouldn't be back until the end of July. It was now 5:30 and Lena was bringing her bags down to wait on Kassia.

"Morning Dad," the blonde spoke as she walked past the kitchen placing her bags by the door, and then walking back to the kitchen and taking the mug of coffee that was held out by her father. "Thanks, Dad."

Phil smiled at her, "Of course, sweetheart, made just how you like it." The blonde grinned at that not many people could get it just to her preference, her mom, dad, grandfather, and Angela were the only ones besides herself, who could get it perfect. Lauren and Jess got close when they tried, but it was just slightly off.

The father and daughter made small talk for the next half hour, Lena hates flying after eating so she opted for just her coffee and a smoothie, while Phil also had a smoothie since that was where Lena gets her love for them from. Mango pineapple was their favorite smoothie flavor.

6 AM on the dot there was a knock at the door and Lena jumped up and made her way to the door, a grin on her face as she opened it to reveal her mother right on time, "Hey mom, right on time."

Kassia chuckled "Of course I am little dove." They loaded Lena's bags into the car and then Lena said goodbye to her father and Charlie who had come down while they were loading her bags up and then the two women were off headed towards the airport in Seattle, which is where the private jet they were using that belonged to Silas was taking off from.

By 8: AM, the mother and daughter were going through security while their bags were being checked before being loaded onto the jet besides their carry-on bags anyway. Another 30 minutes, and they were in the air and Lena decided to get some sleep since she had woken up extra early to have everything ready for them to leave on time.

The blonde teenager made her way through the jet to the little bedroom in the back and got comfortable and fell asleep not too long after that.


It was 10 AM when Lena woke back up from her little nap, and she stretched and then pulled out her phone and made sure to text her girls, which included Alice and Rosalie. She snapped a picture after set fluffed her hair a little and sent it to the group chat, titled, Best Bitches.

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