Chapter 13: Stuck in a castle

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Carly's POV

"Princess? Are you still there? Did you space out?" Damon asked while waving his hand in front of the bars that held me captive. He kept talking on and on about the life that he wanted for me but I didn't listen. I don't want to live here. I want out.

Damon doesn't get it. I was raised as a human and only to be whisked away to a strange world that wants me as a toy or my death. Doesn't matter the way he thinks of it but I want out.

"Princess, don't do this to me. Wake up. Come on you know that I don't want that. You can't stay there without being protected." After he said that, his eyes widened in shock. He knows that I don't like being talked like I'm fragile. I am a rebellious girl who doesn't take those kind of things lightly. Damon should have known better. I am not fragile, my dear. Wrong move.

"Really? You think that I'm fragile?" I said as I stood up from inside my prison. I was stuck to the wall by my restraints. His Adam's apple bobbed as his skin glimmered from the sweat that began to accumulate from his fear. I scare him, good to know. He seemed to notice my anger that seemed to raise every second of the time that we spent together in the room. The tension grew bigger.

"Um... T-that's not what I said, P-Princess." Damon stuttered. I didn't get why he was still stuttering. He's the Blood Prince and I'm some human girl who turned out to be a princess of the Immortal Witches.

"What? Can't handle the truth?" I teased. I meant it but I guess it counts as a 'joke'.

"No, I know that I said something wrong but I do care about you. I'm only scared to know what's wrong with your eyes." He said.

My eyes. The main thing that I wanted to forget. I am bad but my eyes scare him. I guess they are changing again. That means that I'm going to be token over again. I remember everything that happens but I act like I don't. I just hope that I don't do something stupid again. I mean, last time, I was stuck in a fighting facility. It was hard to act like I just came in. The others looked at me funny thinking that I went insane but I wasn't. I just don't want to be treated differently for what I can do.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked him hoping that he would think that he's hallucinating. Damon started to look at me weirdly.

"You mean that... Wait, you don't have a different eye color, right now?" He said cautiously.

"No." I lied. It was easy since I as doing it for as long as I could remember. I mean, I'm not the best child or the worst. Nobody can top Danny. Wait, I forgot about Danny. Where is that brat? I miss him as my annoying little brother. I'll pay attention to that when I'm out of this sick world of the imaginary.

"Oh..." He said as he walked out of the room. Perfect.

I was left alone to myself. Now, time to start to plan on how to get out of this jail. It was bad enough that I was chained to the wall. I started to pull but it was still a good chain. Bad for me but awesome for the quality. Damn royals. They always get the good stuff.


I was planning out step by step of what I should do. A strange feeling came over me. I began to loose my control of my own body. How dare that weird force!

"Aren't you going to leave instead of hating me?" The weird thing said. I didn't think that it would hear my thoughts. "I am not a weird thing! I am a person!"

"Oh, really? Where were you during my entire life?" I said back through the way that the female voice did.

"I was busy trying to think of what to do. I need to get you out of here." She spoke back.

I would have continued but I felt that she made us move away. The chains busted. Looks like this is new. I didn't feel the pain of the cold hard metal break under my hands. We walked away to the barred window. She broke it as I watched it crumble under my own hands. The metal bars broke easily under our strength.

We climbed out of the jail cell and ran off into the dark night. None of the vampires seen us leave. We left towards the woods. It was the same woods that everyone avoided in fear. I heard the howls from the other side of the woods. We were heading for the side that nobody dared to enter. I didn't know why. I guess that it was because of some old tall tale. Even though, my rules have been ruined. Never thought that this enchanted world actually existed. Everyone wants it to exist but they still fear of the bad sides of the truth. It sucks to be stuck in a place which you never knew about.

It took a while to get to the borders of the woods. I could feel someone coming close to my exact placement on this land. I didn't know whom it was. I had a feeling that I didn't want to know.

A howl in the background confirmed my thoughts of not wanting an answer. I really didn't want to meet another werewolf, the first one freaked me out. Alpha Mark seems intimidating but at least I knew that he wouldn't attack on my mother's land.

I wanted to ask the girl inside my head but I couldn't do it. My fear of the unknown paralyzed me on the inside but on the out, I didn't. I was so tough on the outside, I was scary. My reputation never failed to scare but now, it can't help. That means that I have to start from scratch.

My thoughts stopped as my body entered the woods and she left my head. I felt her leave.

The footsteps started but they were light but the sound grew slightly bigger every second. When they stopped, a girl came out from the bush. It was dark so I couldn't make out her features too well. That was until a small dim light appeared, it was a golden floating ball that she held in her pale palm. She looked young, about 15 years old. Her hair was in a French braid that was a very pale blond. It went down to her waist. Her eyes were a baby blue. She had freckles on her high cheek bones. She was tall but not too tall. Her feet were inside black gladiator sandals. Her clothes were bright colors. She wore a white tank top with a while jean jacket. Her jeans were a fainted blue pair. She looked at me with one of those looks.

"Hi, I'm Willow." She said as she giggled. Weird child. Her and Danny don't seem alike at all. "Welcome to Death Hallow."

"I'm Carly McRay." I said as I expected something weird to happen. Nothing did. The name of the woods was extremely disturbing.

"I'm the voice in your head that helped you out. Damon isn't really the best at things. As for your friends, they aren't my favorite people at the moment. They seem as if they wanted you to fail somehow." Willow went on. As she began to walk, I noticed something.

"What's with the wings?" I asked not knowing how to react to this.

"Oh that, I'm a fairy. I should be with my Queen but I can't. I would tell you why but then, I would have to keep you far away from your life. As in death. Sorry."

"Okay. So-" I was about to finish my phrase but steps came by. Alpha Mark came out of the bush.

"Willow, I'm so sorry that I was late."


Heyo! So, I'm sorry about not updating properly since about a month ago. I had this huge writer's block for this book. I hope y'all liked the chapter. I hope y'all like Willow too.


Till next time my dears,

-NCP274 ;)

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