Chapter 19: Fabric Piece

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Carly learns more about herself  while Alex, Dustin and Amanda speak on their way in the castle. Damon was getting warned by Alex on their way towards the cells, which was the last place where Carly was before she left.

"Fangs, don't piss me off. You listen to my orders." I barked at him as we walked towards the cells. My friend is out there alone and I can't find her if he fucks up.

"Shut it, Alexandra. We all know what will happen if we don't find Princess and quick." Damon shot back.

"War." Amanda whispered in a scared tone. The last war our kinds had was awful. It killed almost every fighter. Sadly, we were apart of it all.

Alex's POV

"Come on, Fangs! You need to do this!" I said as Damon walked down the somber halls of the Blood Castle. "We don't have all day. We have a tight schedule or else we are on the brink of war."

"I know, Alexandra. I realize that war is soon going to be here but I need to trace Carly before we can do anything. We need to stop by the cells and see where it takes us from there. Alright?" Damon said in a calm tone. I couldn't see his face as he leaded us through the many corridors of his castle. All corridors were somber and the portraits hung on the walls showed different generations of the Blood royal family. Many were of Damon and his parents. Anything else resembled from the setting from the horror movies that Carly and I used to watch.

"Alright, Fangs. Let's go find her." I said as I followed him. Our steps filled the halls with noise as we followed the path towards the cells. Fear pricked at my nerves as we got closer. Could Carly have passed by trouble in the nearby surroundings or did she return to the Human World? Did she leave us all behind? Or did she... No. She couldn't have been killed. It's just not a possibility that I'm willing to consider.

"Yes, Alexandra. We are going to find her." Damon said as he continued to lead us through the halls. As we did so, Amanda and Dustin eyed the halls and every detail in sight. They seemed edge inside or even near this castle or Damon. I understand them but sometimes you need to hide it better than that.

The loud creaking of an old wooden door, in one of the darker hallways, pulled me out of my thoughts. Damon opened the door and gestured for us to go in with him. He held the door open as Amanda, Dustin, and I went in, then, he entered.

The dark place was only lit by the light from outside the barred windows and the dim torches that surrounded the place. It was an old part of the castle. He thought that this could hold a hybrid back? I could laugh at his stupidity but I can't. Not many lived to tell the tales of a hybrid encounter. Rare things to hear.

As I watched as he walked closer to the farthest cell here. He must have tried to hide her from his father, the King. I followed him but I stayed a bit behind. I trust him as much as I love vampires. That isn't by much. So far, my concerns at the moment is Carly's safety and her placement. Afterwards, I will deal with this idiot and whatever he did to her.

"Stop worrying so much. I'm sure she's fine." I could hear Dustin whisper in my ear. I could tell that he wanted to sooth my worries but I can't, it's my best friend that went missing.

"I know." I whispered back. I couldn't find any other words to say. I just needed to focus on getting her back then I will relax.


"Here it is. Carly's cell." Damon spoke as he held the door open. "Enjoy looking. I couldn't find her scent. It was too faded."

"Maybe she left something else." Amanda suggested.

As I listened to their conversation, I searched the room for any traces of her. Anything. It was as if no one was ever down here. It seemed to be empty and no one as ever been here before. Too empty.

"Maybe the window?" Dustin asked.

"That was the last place where her scent could be traced." Damon spoke. That's when it hit me.

"Of course!" I practically shouted as I sprang towards the window. I managed to give everyone a good scare.

"What are you talking about?" Damon asked as he watched me. "I already searched it."

"Not the way you should be." I said as I searched the window. "When Carly and I were a bit younger, we would go in by the window. It was our way to enter our places. But, every time that Carly would go through the opened window, she would accidentally leave a mark of the sort. Sometimes a lock of her hair, other times a small piece of her clothing. And she- FOUND IT!"

"She found what?" Damon asked, clearly confused.

"No. I found it. A piece of her shirt. A very small piece but its hers. This must have been what you smelt. What I was saying before I found it, she never realized that she left something behind. But, only I would know about it." I said as I turned towards him showing the piece of fabric. "Now, sniff, Fangs."

"What? I'm not a dog!" He shouted as he had been insulted.

"You're a vampire. You have a better sense of smell than all of us." Amanda reasoned. "So, do it. Not for us but for her."

"Fine. But, I don't like this." He agreed.

"No one does." I said as I extended my hand for him to sniff the fabric.

As he did so, his eyes went to a weird color. The same as all vampires but it was still weird to me. Obviously, he found something when his eyes widened.

"It's her. I've got her scent. But what would this do?" Damon asked as he watched my every move.

"Plenty of things. You have your tricks and now it's time for mine." I simply answered.


Heyo! So, I hope y'all liked the chapter. Also, I don't do updates based upon a schedule, and I will continue with the whole "Previously..." thing at the beginning of chapters. So, this time it's "Levels" by Nick Jonas for this update's choice of music. Thank you for reading.

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Till next time, my dears!

-NCP274 ;)

Death HallowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora