Chapter 11: Being powerful and controlled

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Carly's POV

I don't like to think that I'm so powerful that I might blow something up but that would be really cool. No kidding. I don't mind being powerful. Its just that I dislike being controlled. The voice controls me while I use combat or my powers like it knows that I'm not able to control them fast enough. It's kinda weird, but the forest of tears seems to attract me. I know but I just think it's the crazy talking.

I was at the dummy that I would use in order to control the power. I started to use it when I was loosing control. Then, I wasn't in control anymore. She was. The voice. It was happening more and more often. I could remember but I didn't want to explain it to anyone. Too hard.

I mean it's just too hard to explain because I know that I'm being controlled and I can't fight it. It's funny. It's just so weird that I'm so strong get I'm able to be controlled by someone. I can still see and feel everything just I'm learning of the sort, I guess.

I guess I really am just a weapon. I know that now and I have accepted it. I guess the only person that you can really trust is yourself. And for me, I have to trust Alex. She wouldn't do that... Would she?

Alex's POV

I watched Carly from the corner of my eye. She was doing well but when she started using her powers, her eyes went red-purple. It's weird. Who's doing it? The general? Madeline? The vampires? Or is it a transition from being a witch to a vampire?

Damn! Why can't it be obvious!?! I hate when I don't know what happening to my best friends. It's just too much.

Carly was doing easy monouvers then they got more complicated untill both kinds were being used at the same time. Interresting. I know that all the others ones like her are dead, even the ones that tried to run away. They all died a gruesome death except her since her mother was the Queen. Saddly, they might kill her if she's not able to be useful. I hate it when they use people then eliminate afterwards. The Queen will ask for an explination and who did it. The explination would be that she died in battle but in reality they killed her during battle.

They were going to kill her and weren't going to succed. She was going to live... I want to make sure of that. They can try but I won't have them ace it.

Carly isn't a threat. Carly isn't dangerous. Heck, she's not weak but fragile. On the outside she's a badass. On the inside, she's still the same but her feelings are good. She's gentle, nice but they only see her fighting skills and if they are able to munipuliate her. Damn people and their desire for power and territory. I hate that.

I know, I'm one of the most hateful people. Don't get me wrong I mean being hateful helps you get out of those hurtful moments.

Returning back to what's happening. Carly's beating the dummy up. Shane and Dustin are fighting like little boys. Just like before. Did I mention that we all knew Shane like Carly but we had to act like we never knew eachother. I may not like him like a brother but if he keeps Carly safe and if he hurts her he'll have hell to pay. Carly is like a sister to me.

Yes, a sister. I know but hey, she's family. My parents were never there too busy working with the new worriors. Carly was always there. That's why she's like a sister. If a boy hurts her, I'll have some fun... Dustin will try to calm me down then once the situation would be explained he would let go of me and I would keep going. He just understands. That's why I don't turn him down for being a boyfriend. Except he wants to wait after the war like me.

I mean not being able to tell Carly was awful. To keep her origines from her was hell. She should be allowed to know about her actual reality. Now, we have to explain to Danny. He had to stay in isolation too just in case he told her by accident. He is 9 years old.

Back to reality once more, Rory approched Carly again but the eyes were back to normal and they started talking. He showed her weapons.

The Kingdom was making her a killing-machine right under her mother's nose. I need to stop this. She's not some toy. I have to find a way that won't get me excuted or us getting caught. Maybe, Mark can help. Damon? No. None can know of this just her and I. Simple.


Tanya's POV

I woke up with Luke near me. He was holding me. Okay, what happened to my Luke that I know and love. He doesn't usually do this kind of stuff.

Looking at his tired features, I could tell that he didn't sleep since whenever he went had a nap last time ( which I don't know when that happened). He was on the chair. I decided to hold him too. He was so tired that I didn't think that he would notice. Wrong. He did.

"Morning, Tanya." He mumbled.

"Morning, Luke." I said in the same tone.

"How are you feeling?" He asked looking concerned as he looked at me without loosing his embrace on me.

"Great, I was poisonned, almost killed, and barely even remember it all." I said sarcasticly.

"Oh about that..." He started while turning his gaze to his feet like it was the most interesting thing ever as his hand went to scratch the back of his neck. He's having an awkward moment.

"What about it?" I said breaking the silence that had over come in the room.

"Itmighthavebeenavampire." He mumbled.

"A what?" I asked confused.

"It might have been a vampire." Luke said a little clearer.

"A person like the Blood Prince?" I said in shock but not too much it was to be expected. But in the human world, it was rare.

"Yeah." He said still scratching the back of his neck.

"What are we going to do about it?" I asked wanting to hear war.

"I don't know but we will do something. Together." He said lacing his fingers with mine.

We were going to go to war. Soon.


Hey wattpaders! Did you like it? Anyway sorry it took so long. Alex has a lot on her mind, I know. I have another book on here now. It's a romance story by me. "Stolen kisses and games" and while you are at it go take a look at my other book "A witch's tale." THANK YOU!

-NCP274 ;)

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