Chapter 25: Howling in the Night

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Carly had been training and she now has weaponry of her choice. Along with her newly found tools, she has fears of what might happen once she leaves the orb. Alex and her crew have begun to search within the forest for their long gone friend.

Alex's POV

We walked continuously throughout the forest while going straight. It felt like hours and that we were never going to get any closer to finding her. Surely, darkness began to creep in and Amanda whined about how the forest isn't safe.

After a while, Damon suggested to make camp in a clearing which could possibly be a stupid idea on his part. As for Dustin, he followed orders and he took the first watch. For once, I didn't argue as I went off to sleep. Soon enough, I woke up and took the final watch.

During the time of the final watch, I analyzed everyone and I let my mind wonder. A leader must not do this too often or even let emotions get in the way, but I'm not like most leaders. With every exhale of my breath and the snores of my companions, my thoughts went everywhere. For one, my mind seemed to want to believe that we were extremely close to my friend and that we were getting close to the end... But, somehow, deep deep down, I knew that the end wasn't even close to be near. It was only beginning.

Memories played in the back of my mind as I scoped out the surroundings while the others were sleeping. So far, all that I could hear was the sound of howling wolves in the near distance. Every so often, a small light would shine and circle us, then leave. This caught my eye but not enough to wake the others. Nearly two hours in, I realized that if Carly were truly pronounced dead, wouldn't Damon have felt it? Or even myself? Or Amanda and Dustin?

"You look worse than an ancient with the way you're concentrating." I heard as footsteps approached me.

"Thanks, Fangs." I gritted out of my teeth. He seemed to find it funny as he lightly chuckled.

"You are very welcomed, Witch." Damon smiled as he plopped down next to me. "Anything yet?"

"I would have told you if there was." I said bluntly.

Silence soon proceeded and it stayed. For a while.

"Do you hear that?" He asked. "Sounds like wolves."

"They have been here for a while now. But, they seem to have gotten closer. Get your sword out." I ordered as I shot up.

"I'd prefer not to use such a thing, but if you insists." He yawned as he removed his sword and placed himself like me.

With my sword in my hand and the Blood Prince by my side, I watched the outlines of the trees as the sun began to show itself among the horizon. Shadows stalked around as if stalking their prey. Damon became tense beside me as he noticed the shadows. I couldn't tell if Amanda and Dustin were up just yet but if they were, they better hurry to help.

"What's the plan?" I whispered towards him.

"I thought you would have a plan, Witch." Damon whispered in a hushed tone as he moved behind me and faced the shadows.

"Clearly not." I muttered.

Within seconds, the shadows closed in on us. We were surrounded and they were inching closer. The howling just got louder as they got closer to us. In that moment, I realized that the shadows weren't attacking but observing us like the predator observing its prey. This gave me an idea as I stretched it further.

"Cover me." I said to Damon as I slowly approached the shadows.

"What are you doing, Alexandra?" Damon whispered in an angered tone. "You're going to get yourself killed."

"Not if I'm right about my assumption." I answered.

Damon didn't argue with me, but he did as I asked. He watched my every move. In the faint distance, I could hear more howling that was coming to join the party. Yet, I continued on that hunch as I walked closer towards them.

"Alex-" Damon shouted. It was too late to warn me as a wolf had jumped out and pinned me to the ground.

It was snapping at me and I kept trying to push it off. This managed to wake the others up as Amanda and Damon kept watch on the other wolves. As for Dustin, he helped me get the wolf off. As soon as I was on my feet, I gave him a thanks and we went to our positions to ward off the wolves. Within minutes, they had us surrounded and they were so close that you could hear their snapping, growls and panting.

We stood there as they watched us. As we didn't know what to do, we attempted to make a plan to get them farther away.

"Push them back with the back of your swords." Damon ordered. We all followed and soon, the wolves were at a good distance. Nothing could go wrong now.

"SHIT!" Amanda shouted as a wolf leaped and tackled her to the ground. When we went to help, a loud voice emerged from the forest lines with a growl. This made the wolf walk away with its tail between its legs in submission.

"What are you doing here?" The voice growled out. I walked up a bit with an authoritative look.

"Looking for a certain Hybrid. Chance you might have seen her?" I announced.

"Alex?" The voice boomed and not long after, a certain Alpha walked into view.

Damon seemed offended by the identity as he watched the Alpha approach us. I, for one, was quite happy that it wasn't the other Alphas.

"Mark?! You sent your dogs to hunt us!" Damon shouted as he stalked towards Mark. I stopped him from moving any closer by extending my arm.

"Shhhh, Damon. Now, Alpha Mark, would you know where Carly would be?" I asked as I watched him. No, I analyzed his every move as he went to reply.

"Actually, I do. But... Willow wouldn't let me do that. Her Queen wouldn't either."

"Where's Princess, Dog?" Damon growled.


Heyo! How y'all doing during this fine span of 24 hours? Good? Me too. So, this was the 25th chapter of DH! Woohoo! I hope y'all liked it. If you did, please give it a vote. This chapter's song is "Carousel" by Melanie Martinez.

Thank you for reading.


Till next time, my dears.

-NCP274 ;)

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