Chapter 27: LUKE

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Luke's POV

I sat there taking every bit of torture they gave me. For hours on end, I took it. The files remained a secret and so did Carly's where abouts. Even I didn't know that much but I knew what was on the files. I needed to keep the files a secret from these two. They may have been my friends but from what is happening, they are no longer Shane and Tanya. I could explain, reader, but that would be impossible since I'm not entirely sure of what is happening. Except, one thing is for sure, they aren't themselves. I can assure you that. Tanya hates blood yet she is spilling mine. As for Shane, I'm not too sure but he never seemed to be able to do this before.

Thoughts rampaged through my mind as the torture continued. When was the last time that I seen the actual light? I don't remember. At times, they would stop and leave me alone for a bit. I never knew what was going to happen next. I just knew that the files needed to remain secret until the princess returned.

As what seemed like days began to pass, I thought of ways to escape. If they got the spell to get the files, I would be screwed and that, my dear reader, is not suppose to happen. Murphy's Law couldn't attack this situation, could it? I'm already being torture. What else can it bring? For my sake and everyone else's, hopefully nothing.

Back to the plan, I can worry about that law later. For now, I needed to find a way out. One that can't be traced by the two. An escape plan that can't be found but it has to be quick and soundless. My eyes scanned the room for any possible exits and any possible tools to help me get out of the room along with getting out from where I am strapped. Without clear lighting, I can't find anything properly. This will be a lot harder with next to nothing for lighting.

"Think, Luke, think. Lighting..." I whispered to myself as I searched for some type of thing in the dark. It's a slim chance that I do find something.

Nothing yet. I can't use a spell to light anything or they will see it. I can't reach for anything since I'm strapped down. What can I do? Could I... No. I can't do something that insane... Or can I? No. I couldn't possibly do that. If I do, then I wouldn't be able to get the files.

"Sometimes, the most insane things work the best." I whispered as I tried to convince myself but it wasn't working. It isn't logical what I would be doing.

Forget that I mentioned that plan. I need a new one and quick. It needs to include how to get out of the straps. This all needs to happen before the next visit from Shane and Tanya. I can't handle another moment with the two of them and their twisted games. I need out and I need it now. Except, I can't do something too insane and it can't be too noticeable.

That's when it hit me. What if I burned my straps? That would solve one problem. They wouldn't see it if the fire wasn't much since there is a small light in the room. It might just work. Then, I can continue with freedom. It would allow more plans. The room was in the dungeon so it didn't have surveillance cameras and the torture room wasn't known for keeping people in for long. So, I shouldn't have a problem with burning it.

"Alright. Let's burn." I whispered as the straps slowly began to melt.

Giddiness had over taken me as I slowly regained my freedom. For once, the smell of something burning made me happy. I was going to get out of this. Alive. Soon enough, the straps were gone and no one was there. Now was my chance to escape. Quickly, I ran to the door of the room and examined it. The bars were thick enough to hold me in but with a bit of magick, I can easily push them open enough to get out. The only flaw would be the noise. I would need to run or be invisible and I didn't learn that yet... Unless I climb out of the window. The blueprints did include a window not too far away from the torture room.

Slowly and surely, I followed through and as expected, someone heard me push the bars apart. This was now my last chance to escape before anyone could get me. I ran towards the window as I watched someone running towards my cell in the dark. They didn't see me yet.

I hurried to climb to my room before I could get spotted. I crawled along the outer wall. I have a fear of this but now is not the time to be fearful. I must get those files before he does. I hurried as fast as I could without being caught or falling as I did this in the night.

A few more windows and I should be at my room. Luckily, I didn't close my balcony door. This should be an easy in and out. But, where do I go after? I would have the files so I can't stay hidden here. I can't go to the Blood Kingdom because of Damon. I would have to run somewhere where they wouldn't dare try to get me. Possibly the woods. That would actually work.

First, get the files then off into the woods. They can't be that bad can they? I didn't have enough time to think it through as I quickly grabbed the files and left in a rush as Shane shouted my name throughout the halls of the Kingdom.

Soon enough, I made a blanket as a rope to get out and I made it to the ground when Shane finally found me running.

"I'LL FIND YOU, LUKE!" He shouted from a distance with Tanya by his side. "We'll get him later."

A knot tied itself in the pit of my stomach as I ran towards the woods with every ounce of my being. I needed to get out with the files and I did. Next up is to find the others then to find the princess. Shane and Tanya can be a problem when I get back. For now, I need to get other things done.


Heyo! How y'all doing during this fine span of 24 hours? Good? Me too. So, that was the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and if so, give it a like and share it with friends. This update's song is "You're such a" by Hailee Steinfeld. Thank you for reading!


Till next time, my dears.

-NCP274 ;)

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