Chapter 30: Cyra

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Remember how I said that I would be surrounded by dogs? I wasn't kidding.

From the right, there were dogs and from the left, there were also dogs. I couldn't escape it and no one would help me out. I knew that as a fact since they seem to believe that I'm not really with them. That's what happens when you get neglected as a character. Looking at you, author.

The faces that surrounded me started in confusion yet not Willow's. She seemed as if she knew about my existence. Of course, she didn't but she knew I was going to be a set back or a bringer of dead ends. Or at least, that's what her expression of pure irritability gave off. She was aware of me but not as much as I was aware of her. Oh, dear reader, she seems loving but her life is nothing close to it. Poor Mark, stuck with a mate like her.

Each Kingdom has their problems but these ones are just beyond imagination.

Amanda would laugh if she knew what happened to all of it. Hell, if I hadn't changed from the way I once was, I too would have laugh in hopes that it wouldn't lead to a bloody war but here we are. At the first steps towards it. It wasn't going to end well from what the author seems to radiate it from their writing. They didn't want to touch it and yet, they knew they would have to finish it anyways. Why? Because every story ends even if we don't like it.

The loud crash brought me to realize that Carly had just arrived from her own personal Hell. If only I could get closer... I could but the dogs would eat me or Damon would get angry for him not being first to greet her. The bright flashing light stopped as Carly slowly rose from the ground and her eyes, dark as ever with a small flicker of green, spotted me. The look she gave had barely any Carly in there. She stared at me intensely as Willow and Damon attempted to grab her attention but Alex knew better. As for Dustin, he just knew not to move an inch. Amanda knew better than to move. She may be an Elite Archer but she was well versed on politics. Carly dashed towards me with the speed of light and Alex lazily came over.

"You," she started but she didn't finish. From what I knew, she needed sleep and a warm bath. She needed love and affection. She needed somewhere stable.

I willingly opened my arms to her and she responded by leaning into my chest. Alex joined in too. I'm not sure how but Alex knew a lot about Carly. More than I do. All I know is from what the author says. Alex knows on a whole other level. Their bond strengthens more and more.

Obnoxious yelling could be heard if it wasn't being muffled by Carly. Damon wasn't pleased and neither was Willow. Both had their reasons and one was more than just love if that's what you want to call it.


Danny's Journal

Carly hasn't been home in a few days. Maybe she's at Alex's place. Doesn't matter. The Xbox will be all mine for the weekend.


Carly still isn't home. Did she run away? Did she forget about us?

Mom says Carly didn't run away. Maybe she's just busy with looking at schools.

I haven't heard from her in a week or two. I tried calling but no one picked up.


I left a message and now, I'm starting to think that maybe she'll never come home.

Did Carly forget about me? Am I not enough for her?

She still isn't home and Mom keeps blowing it off. I want to know if she's okay but no answers.


A few weeks or months in without my sister being around and I'm going crazy with theories. It's been a long while since Carly left. I asked Dad about it and he brushed it off as if it was no big deal. Mom says she left to visit Aunt Maddy. Mom doesn't like Aunt Maddy around us. Why would Carly be over there and not pick up her phone? She never let me go to voicemail. Never.

I remember something about her in Mom's call with Aunt Maddy last week. Something about it being almost time and Mom saying no. Whatever it was, she wasn't happy about it.

I tried to look for my sister. Nothing. She hasn't posted on social media or anything. Hasn't been at school. Nothing.

It was as if she disappeared and I was the only one wanting to go look for her. Her friends weren't going to do that if they weren't here either.

The last place was the type-writer and I will have to check it soon. Maybe tomorrow.

She wasn't the kind of person to leave you stranded was she? I can barely remember her face or even her way of being and it's only been a few weeks or was it months? I can't remember. I'm starting to forget my own sister and that added stress on the need to find her.

Maybe she was in trouble?


She's definitely in big trouble. Her last words on the type-writer were Come on, Danny. Even when she's gone, she's still an issue.


It's been a few days since I last wrote and I still can't piece together what the words mean. WHAT DOES SHE WANT FROM ME?


What if I'm suppose to join her? Maybe. I'll need to do more research.

I came up with nothing. Carly can't explain because she's not here and I can't find it because this is some Stephen King bullshit.


Figured it out. It has something to do with the type-writer but I'll need to explore it a bit more. Sorry, sis, but your thing has to be tampered with for a while.


Fuck and no. This is not real and it will all be a dream when I wake up.


I can control portals to someplace in the woods. I'm a wizard! This isn't real.


I stand corrected as I have tried it again. I'm going to stay in human world until further research.

Hey there! I hope you liked it and if you did, please vote! This chapter's song is DNA by BTS. Thanks for reading!

Till next time, my dears.

N.C. Pappin

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