Chapter 9: The eyes

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Shane's POV

Carly was here safe. And she was able to protect herself. Poor guy.

She approched him, her long black hair was in a ponytail and she was dressed like a worrior. Looks like her and Alex will have fun training.

The guy came up to her and tried a punch. Carly caught his fist and did something that made him grimace in pain. Her touch was heated. She was using the elements. An element bender. A vampire. A witch. She was powerful with just her look.

The man fell to the ground holding his hand.

"Get up. You wanted a fight, you got it." She spits out.

He did as she said. He sent a kick to her side, Carly blocked. He punched as hard as he could repeatedly, but nothing he was only hitting a wall of hard dirt. She sent a blast of air. He flew back. He sent a fire ball. She only extingusted it.

She really was a rare element bender, the only one that can bend all of them. It's kinda scary since all the rest were killed because we weren't able to controle them.

The fight was over when Carly gave a punch and a kick which made him fall to the floor. A bell rang and the healer came. The healer took the man to her office.

"Don't challenge me ever again." She muttered to her beatten oppoenent.

Carly walked away and her eyes went back to normal. She gave a confused look and shook her head. Her eyes darted to Alex.

"Alex!" She screeched as she ran up to her and pulled Alex in a big hug. Worrior Candera doesn't like hugs.

"Hey, Princess." Alex said letting herself out of the hug.

"Don't call me Princess like the Blood Prince." Carly almost wispered.

"He came here?" I asked. She nodded.

"What did he want?" Alex asked.

"I'll explain when they aren't listening." She smilied and turned to Rory. They spoke and she left towards the halls.

We all followed her to her room. Even wolf-boy.

She closed the door behind her. Carly looked paranoied. She checked everywhere to see if anyone else was listening.

Carly was serious about this. And that scares me.


Carly's POV

It was weird to know that I won a battle that I didn't fight let alone control. I guess something's up.

My friends were worried, but there was a werewolf and I could sence it.

"Who's thew wolf?" I asked.

"You know there's a werewolf in here? That's a first." The one who was new, he was the one who was it.

"Nevermind, it's you." I said. I'm still freaking out about anyone listening.

"Okay, what's up?" Alex asked.

"Where do I start?" I asked with a death glare to everyone. A voice came in my head. They lied to you. Carly, they were supposed to be your friends. I just waved it off. This voice has been there since the eye thing happened. The voice was a side of me that was there just to help. The voice always had the badside of me, it took over a lot but nobody noticed.

"Carly, start with the eye thing." Alex said.

"None of your buisness." The voice answered for me. It was me. The voice was me ever since ever. It's always been me.

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