Chapter 5: The gift

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Shane's POV

My mind raced as the thoughts of the week went by. All I could see was failed attemps of Amanda and Tanya flirting with me, Carly practicly running away from me, Dustin and Luke talking about stuff while my mind wandered of to Carly, and Alex shooting daggers with her eyes when I approched her or Carly. That chick's just scary. I mean there is a normal amount of scariness but she just makes a whole new level of it. I wouldn't get between her and something else. I would find myself in a coffin six feet under.

Carly had been avoiding me all week. What's her deal? Anyway, I would have to ask. So mabye I might go over there to fix things for my reputation... Or for us... Wait did I just say that!?! EW! I sound like a tacky love story bound to happen. Yeah, I think I'll go over to fix things... Tonight.

Carly's POV

The week past quickly, my friends all had their own plans while I was at home all alone on my birthday. At least everyone said 'happy birthday'. Danny and mom went to go see some childish movie as I stayed home. It was finaly the spring break but I had to avoid Shane all week. He was just a pain that I needed to forget about.

I heard a knock at front door, so I went down to answer. As I did so, there wasn't anybody there, I looked down and noticed a box. It was for me. I pucked it up and entered the house as I closed the door. It had a note.

Dear Carly,

Happy birthday, here is a gift for all those birthdays that I missed with you. Hope you like it. See you soon. I love you.

P.S.: Only open this when you're completely alone in the attic.

-Love your aunt Madeline XOX

I did as the note said. Aunt Maddy was never there because mom would always usher her after her being there for 5 minutes. And the attic was off limites. I asked mom once why and she said it was just storage and that it might fall on me... Yet she would go up there a lot and only come back after a while.

I made it up the stairs as I heard the attic door open by it's self... Strange. I still walked in but with more cautiousness. As I set the gift on the old coffee table, I sat down on the old dusty couch. I opened the box.

It was an old type-writter. Cool. I took it out and admired it for who knows how long. Then , I had the idea of trying it out and it worked. But it started glowing. Then I got in a swirl of pitch black and sucked in it. My vision went black...


Shane's POV

I was still thinking of how I was going to show up at her place. Each idea was dismissed. I finaly gave up. What to do? Insults? Nah, she'd kill me and Alex would crucifie me. Compliment? No, she's think I was drunk or something. Kiss? Ew, no just no. Say sorry? After the greeting. Ask Dustin or Luke about her? No... WAIT! That's a good idea.

I gave them both a ring and told them to come here. All that they said was "sure but if you hurt her you'll have hell to pay."

I said that I wouldn't but they reminded me that she's still mad about the past. Girls, they have a better memory card than anything else.

My mind wandered back to her. What was she doing for her birthday? She wasn't big on birthdays after my failed attemp to win her over at 10. WHAT!?! She was cute. Was she playing a videogame? That reminds me of our first time hanging out.


I got out a bunch of videogames as she was sitting on my bed with one controller. She was waiting to play, Carly was still new at this friend thing. She was used to being a loner.

"What are we playing, Shane?" She asked in her adorable 8 year old voice.

"Want to play Mario?" I asked her.

"I don't care. It's your house. You choose." She said.

"You're the guest." I said as gentlman as possible.

"Your house." She said once more.

"Guest." I said as I walked up to her. She blushed.

"House." She said just to irratate me.

"Guest." I said as I tickled her. She laughed. Her laugh was the cutest.

"House." She said laughing. We were so close. She noticed and backed up. "You know what yeah we'll play Mario."

*End of Flashback.*

She still has the same laugh. And I never forgot on how close we were. She was one of those gifts that you shouldn't loose. Wait, am I actualy saying that? Wow, I really am a tacky love story.

At that moment, the boys came at the door. I answered and we went to my room.

"So what do you need to know?" Luke asked.

"Everything that I missed." I said.

"What?" Dustin cut in. "You two were friends?" I answered him with a nod.

"Wow, usually Carly tells us all about the past but you she never mentionned. But when we'd ask her about the picture of you two, she's just dismiss it." Luke said with a low whistle.

"Yeah...I know, we use to be close but she got hurt that one day and never came back." I said remebering the night that I tried saying sorry about her birthday and tried to comfort her but she was long gone. She moved away that night.

"You seem sad about it." Dustin noticed. "You still like her? Even though you two insult eachother."

I nodded.

"She's not the one that you have to worry about. It's Alex. She'll have you dead if you try something. She's like a sister to Carly. Those two pass everything through eachother." Luke said.

"Yeah, Alex is deadly. That's why I like her so much but she doesn't really want a relationship right now." Dustin said in a sad tone.

"You like a girl because she's deadly?" I asked teasing him.

"Yeah, just as much as you like her for not being like Amanda or Tanya." He said doing the same.

"As long as she doens't do that I'll like her." I said kind of scared at the thought of her being like them.

"Okay, so what did you need help with regarding Carly?" Luke asked.

I told them exactly what I going to do but they just laughed and said that if I do that Alex won't be as scary as her. That's good to know, if I mess up I'm dead. Then, Luke said that he'll prepare me for it. So did Dustin.

***** After a long while******

I grabbed my jacket and a red rose. I fixed my hair properly like they instructed me. I was out the door when they wished me luck and reminded me that if I hurt her again I die. What good friends. [Note sarcasim.]

I finaly made it to her house when I heard a scream. Carly! I rushed to the door, she didn't lock it. I ran to the spot where I could hear screaming, I followed it but when I got in the attic there was nothing. Only an old type-writter. What happened to her? Where was she? That's what I'm going to find out. And as for the jerk who did this to her was going to pay for hurting her... Only I can do that!


Hey, readers... I have a new nickname for y'all... wattpaders! Okay so Shane's in love with her! What will happen to they're romance story? Not telling just wait for the next updates. Go check out my other series thanks.

-NCP274 ;)

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