Chapter 2: Spilling the TEA

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Carly's POV


"Yes?" The barista asked with a brow slightly raised.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The guy right in front of him resembled the kid in the past too much for it to be just a coincidence. The same annoying smile. The same annoying fluffy hair. The same annoying grey eyes that seem to pierce your soul. The same kid. He looks older now but he's still the same kid from back then.

The same jackass from my childhood stood before me acting like he didn't do anything when I remember it all so clearly. Does he not remember me? He should.

"Shane, you fucker." I huffed out a growl as leaned towards him a little closer. I could hear Amanda asking Alex what I was doing while Luke was busy laughing next to Dustin and Tanya seemed ready to separate us at any moment. Shane looked uncomfortable but in the moment, I was focused on past events. "Do you remember me?"

"Should I?" He let out an awkward chuckle while side eyeing Tanya for help every few seconds.

All their eyes widened as they came to a different conclusion that wasn't even close to the reality of things. I didn't care all that much about them thinking of that at the time since I was going to tell them later. They didn't know the story behind Shane and I. Hell, Shane didn't even remember it.

"Nevermind. It's fine" I let out a sigh as he was still in confusion. "I'll just have a Toffee Latte."

He gave a small smile while I backed away after paying the idiot. Alex stood there behind me with a look that I knew all too well, then she proceeded to order and Amanda followed too. They moved to the right of the counter while the boys started to order. Tanya gave a look but nonetheless, she let it go. My temper comes quickly then slowly disappears after a bit. It was best to wait for me to start the conversation.

Shane didn't push any further as he just kept working while my eyes followed his every movement. I couldn't help but hate him just a little bit from what he did in the past. It's childish to still be angry about it after so much time has passed. So, call me childish 'cause I'm still angry.

Once everyone grabbed their cups and they started to sit down at the table, I grabbed my cup as well. Shane smiled at me as I picked the cup up and I faked a smile then I proceeded to walk to the table. As I sat down, I harshly shoved my cup on the table. My friends jumped but only Luke spoke after my mini fit.

"Wanna talk about it, Carls?" He chuckled a bit as I rolled my eyes.

"He's someone that I knew as a kid. He's a dick." I leaned towards him while speaking as he had sat down to my left.

"Ah. Can I ask why? Or is that too much?" Luke continued to press at the issue and I looked at Shane who was looking right at me so I did what anybody else would do. I looked back to Luke.

"He did something that 10 year old me wasn't about to let go." I took a sip of my latte as Luke snorted.

"Are you really angry over something that happened over 8 years ago?" He asked in between his fits of laughter that caught everyone else's attention at the table.

"Well, there's more to it but kinda." I sighed and looked to Alex who's eyebrows were raised.

"Is it the same guy that broke your gameboy?" She asked as she recalled a memory that I told her about one night over a movie.

"Yeah. He moved a few days later but yes, same guy." My answer made Luke laugh all the more. Dustin joined in but Amanda just looked confused. Tanya stayed silent as if she knew there was more to the story.

"Can I ask why you're angry?" Amanda finally spoke out after taking a sip of her coffee.

"He broke my gameboy. He took it out of my hands just as I was about to finish the last level of the game and he broke it." I continued to sip on my latte after I finished my sentence.

"He never apologized and moved away not too long after," Alex continued for me before she took a sip of her earl grey tea.

Amanda remained confused but Dustin gave a look of horror as if he suddenly felt the same pain that I did all those years ago. Luke just nodded along with Tanya in silence. No one dared to fill the silence other than to drink their beverage and they pulled out their phones to check something on their feeds.

A soft buzz broke the silence that befell the table. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and seen that Mom had sent me a text about Danny. Apparently, Danny was going to his friend's place tomorrow and I would have to join him because she wanted the house to be empty to clean. I rolled my eyes at her obsession with cleaning but I complied.

"Who was that?" Tanya asked as she looked above her cup as took another sip of her tea.

"Mom. She's texting about Danny going over to a friend's and I need to join him." I simply answered while Luke shot me an odd look. "What?"

"Nothing. Just find that odd. It's almost like it's set up by someone greater than us." He sipped his coffee and continued to scroll through his feed, leaving me in confusion.

"Okay..." I sighed and took a sip of my drink as Alex started talking about the latest release of Tomb Raider.

Dustin was invested in video games just as much as Alex and why they work out so well. Amanda liked seeing all of us happy and Tanya loved being a mother to the group while Luke liked being the jokester. I just enjoyed spending time with them.

"The graphics are just so well done. The swiftness of the animation was so amazing that I couldn't stop marveling at it. The story followed the adventures in such a way that-" Alex continued on and on as I just gave a small smile as I went for another sip.

My mind slipped away from the conversation and went back to Shane. I wonder what he's been up to since the last time I seen him. Why did he move away? Why did he move back the summer before university? Why?

A hand placed itself on my shoulder bringing me back to reality. I followed the wrist to the arm to the face of the one and only Luke. He gave me a smile.

"You should pay attention instead of thinking about lover boy," he said and proceeded to let out a chuckle.

"Excuse you. I don't like him," I scoffed and slapped his shoulder slightly.

"You might not but," he started to say then point back to Shane, "he might."

The fucker was looking at me intensely.

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