Chapter 22: Anklet

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Carly had started training and Willow heard her screams of pain as the fighter was winning. Soon enough, Carly had fought and killed the virtual fighter. Thus, this created the sense of Carly slowly loosing her humanity which scared her.

Alex's POV

As we all stood around in Carly's cell, I watched Damon and his every move. Dustin and Amanda were doing the same, but for different reasons. I wanted answers and I want them now.

"Found anything?" I voiced.

"No. She hasn't been here for a while, so her scent is faint." He spoke as he continued to sniff the fabric. "Hey, Genius, have you figured out your plan yet?"

"I have but it will take a week or two. At the most, it will take three. We need Shane's trust along with Tanya's. Luke is still alright. But, we would have to distract Rory and Aunt Maddy. We can't have them interrupting the plan. As for the Queen, she has Danny to worry about." I started slowly. "That sound good to you, Fangs?"

"Okay, Witch. What about the general? Or the upcoming war? Have you thought of that." Damon asked with a smug look.

"I have. They can't do anything without me or the Queen's daughter. As for the war, you need to keep the Blood King from making any war plans and I will make sure that none are made from my side." I continued. Dustin chuckled a bit as Damon's smug look fell. Amanda just seemed lost in her own world. That was regular Amanda behavior.

"Okay. But, what about finding Carly? We still haven't found her unless she would have done something to give a trail until she gets lost." Amanda said aimlessly as she plumped down on the floor.

"Alex, if we can't find her, we have no chance at stopping the war without bloodshed." Dustin said as he plumped down next to Amanda.

"Yes. But, if Amanda's assumption of Carly's regular behavior is true, we won't have to spill much blood. Just a bit, but not much." I mused as I walked towards the cell window to look for a hint or something. Anything.

"What are you doing, now?" Damon asked in a board tone.

"Bingo!" I screeched as I ran to the back of the Castle where the window would be. I didn't hear footsteps following but I knew they were.

I ran until I made it to where I had marked my bingo. I crouched down to get a better look and my guess was right.

"What do you mean?" Amanda asked confused as I picked up an item.

"This. Remember back when we became extremely close with her? We all did an anklet to represent our eternal friendship. We promised that day if we go missing or run away, we would leave this behind pointing in the direction we left." I said as I briefed them on the ancient memory.

"That's right!" Amanda practically shouted as she couched down to my spot and examined the anklet. "That's the one."

"This explains so much." Dustin whispered to himself as he shook his head. "How did I not remember? They gave me one too."

"No questions." Damon whispered lowly to Dustin. "You have your tastes and I have mine."

"Where was it pointing?" Amanda voiced as the boys started to pay attention again to the situation.

"Past the Blood Kingdom but at the Death Hallow, the forest of death and sorrows." I answered as I pointed towards the forest. Oh the doomed, wretched place of horrors. None would enter it's forbidden grounds. We were taught to never enter such a place. Today seems like a good day to break that rule.

"B-but we can't." Amanda mumbled. "It's forbidden ground. If we get caught-"

"Our friend is in there and you're worrying about if they will catch us. Don't. Friend first. Rules later. Remember those words?" I spoke as they listened.

"Stop it with the guilt trips. I'm going. Let's do this." Amanda said as she shot up from the ground to face the boys. "Who's ready to go hunting?"

"Look at the time. It's too late for now. We would easily get ambushed and killed if we go now. Wait until darkness isn't creeping more than it should be." Dustin voiced.

"Fine. We will stay at the Blood Kingdom for one night. Then, we must head out at dawn to find her." I said as I got up and  walked back into the castle with them in toe.

"Don't you have the troublesome group to take care of? Wasn't it Shane?" Damon asked as we walked.

"Yes. But I trust Luke. For now." I plainly said. "That or Aunt Maddy will take care of it. Either way, when we get back, I will end them."

"Deadly much, Witch."

"Bite your tongue, Fangs. They will attempt to kill your kind too in order to get all power." I shot back as we walked.

Silence soon followed for a good moment. Footstep after footstep, we inched our way inside to the cell for the night. All of this silence until Amanda spoke.

"We actually need to be comfortable. Damon?"

"What?" He grit out.

"We need some blankets, pillows-"

"Hush. I will lead you to a bedroom and you will all stay there you the night. Sound good?" He grit out and without leaving any place to argue, he lead us to a bedroom of two beds.

"Amanda, bunk with Alex. I will sleep on my own. Sound good?" Dustin announced as he plopped onto a bed and went to sleep.

Amanda and I did the same. Soon, all was dealt with and Damon left us to our sleeping. I wonder if vampires need to sleep? If not, Amanda would have a hell of a time annoying him during the night.

The night had been long and seemingly endless. My body tossed and turned for a few hours. That was until I decided to test my theory and see if Damon was awake. If I was correct, I could continue to plan with him and if not, I would plan on my own.

The door creaked opened and a figure appeared at the crack. A tall, male one by the way it looked. Clearly, someone was up and I wasn't talking about me.

"Why are you up?" Damon hissed.

"Can't sleep." I whispered to not wake the others. "Let's talk. I need to plan out a bit more and you seem like you can use some company, Fangs."

"Fine. Just don't wake up the entire castle."


Heyo! How y'all doing during this fine span of 24 hours? Good? Me too. So, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. The song for this update is Pity Party by Melanie Martinez. It has nothing to do with the chapter, I just like the song. Also, good luck to those who are soon in an exam.

Goal for this update: Votes: 2 Comments:1

Thank you for reading.

Till next time, my dears.

-NCP274 ;)

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