Chapter 3

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Atlas peace has ended.... hell has Not just school, but high school.

Trigger warning! Anxiety attack. Be warned


"(Y/N)! Wake up! It's time for school" Your aunt yelled out.

"Alright! Alright!!" You yelled back, rubbing your eyes, rising up as if you were a mummy rising up from its grave.

You picked your outfit, walking toward the kitchen.

"Mornin'!" your aunt welcomed you into a brand new day.

"Morning" You groaned. You were not ready for today.. for high school... for seniors...

Your aunt handed you your favorite cereal, you thought 'The days going good' oh boy. You were so...wrong.

You finished your cereal placing the bowl into the sink,"C'mon (N/N)!" She grabbed her keys, spinning them around her index finger.

"Lets go riding!" She winked playfully.

"Kay lets go!" You put on your purple hoodie, and dramatically swung your bag onto your back.

"Lets roll!!" You tried to excuse your stomach twisting and turning inside.

You both walked out of the apartment, closing the door, locking it, all that stuff! You guys started to head out.

You both hopped into the car, buckling up. You were playing your game on your switch, your aunt driving.

Then Bohemian Rhapsody by queens, you drumming to the beat, your aunt beginning to sing.

"To late, my time has come. Sent shivers down my spine." she sang and so on. You were chuckling, while her singing, stopping to laugh every once in a while.

This was so fun! You wished it could last forever but you had school, your aunt had work.. so happiness ended.

You have arrived in your new school. Your anxiety peaked up, your heart was pounding, your stomach was pulling sharp turns, your palms were moist.

You looked for room 215 your first period. You found it, introduced yourself for your class was filled with other freshman's, they all looked like scared lost puppies.

"Hey.. I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I am 14...! I hope we can be friends." All eyes were on you, giggling came out of the other teenagers mouth. Your hands started to shake, this was gonna be a long day...

After everyone introduced themselves, you still felt eyes on you. Man your leg was bobbing up and down so fast. You forgot how this was like.

Finally the bell rang. You started to look for the math.

You thought it wouldn't take long. But you soon realized that you were lost. This high school was huge! Ten times bigger than your old school and the grades ranged from kindergarten- 8th.

Your heart started to pound, hard. You looked around once more, thankfully this time you found it! Thank the heavens....

You made it through math your next period was, programming of sort! Since you play so much video games that never went toward your expectations, so decided for when you graduated high school and college to hopefully make a profiting game!

You walked toward the building specifically for the elective. It was huge....! Your anxiety peaked up, making it harder to breathe you sat outside. You were anxious because there was most likely to be a lot of other people there! Of all the ages ranged from 14-18.

You were starting to cry, your hands were shaking . You put your hand on your chest trying to do your breathing techniques, but failed. You didn't know what to do.

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