Trying To Make Sense of A Nonsensical Event (Hermione's Perspective)

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"What in the world were they talking about? Having your life tied to a piece of wood? Burning Thabanos or whoever's chains? Fire of life? Killing immortal emperors? What the HELL?!"

"Hermione, I have no idea," Harry sighed. "I just don't know. But isn't it weird that one of them got into Slytherin? They're all bad people!"

He was right- that was strange.

"Cripes, Hermione, I don't think anyone understands!" Ron said, frustrated.

"Except McGonagall. She looked like she wanted to break out in giggles!" I reminded him.

"Yeah, that was weird. Usually, she's so... uptight." Harry replied.

"And the speeches!" I brought us back to our original conversation. "They must've been doing amazing things for the hat to react like that! And... well, scary things."

"Mate, the hat was screaming bloody murder!" Ron interjected.

"Well, I think we can definitely rule out abuse-" Harry said.

"We can rule out everything! Nothing makes the hat go mad like that! Nothing!" I frantically paced around the room. I couldn't believe it. Nothing explained what just happened.

"Oh, by the way," Ron started, and we all looked at him, "I saw a black tattoo on the Percy person's arm." Harry and I were stunned. For a moment, all you could hear was birds cawing out the window. Then- 

"And you just decided to tell us NOW?!" Harry roared. I glanced around, a little wary; but it was late in the night, so we were the only ones in the common room.

Ron shrank back.


"They could be DEATH EATERS!" Harry yelled again.

"Harry-" I tried to interrupt, but he was on a roll.

"This changes everything! Maybe they cursed the hat! The Imperius Curse could work! Or the way the hat looked like it was tortured, how it used Nico's memories to prepare, how it said it 'wasn't quite ready', it fits! They could've used the Cruciatus curse, or..."

This actually made sense. As I listened to Harry, I saw something new out of the corner of my eye.

"They're dangerous! We should tell McGonagall and-"

"Harry," I interrupted, "remember what McGonagall said about them having separate dorms?" 

"Yeah...?" Harry asked. I pointed.

"Blimey." Ron spoke for the first time in a few minutes. "They each get posh dorms of their own? That's not fair!"

"Wouldn't the students only have two separate dorms, one for the girls and one for the boys? Or even, just with the normal students?" I asked.

"There's a door for Nico, one for Thalia, Leo- Hey, Percy and Annabeth have a room together!"

"What?! I whirled around. "... I can't read that."

Harry looked again. The gold plates were written in a different language. "Hey, that wasn't there a second ago. A moment ago, it was written in English!" Harry told me, confused.

"Well," I tried to get back to the topic, a little befuddled, "Why would they have a room together? "

Harry tiptoed towards the rooms and placed his ear to the wall. After a moment, Ron and I followed suit. There was no noise- it was absolutely quiet.

"It's a Silencing Charm," I told them, disappointed. Suddenly, the door flew open, almost whacking Ron upside the head.

Percy stood there, in an orange shirt that read CHB and black shorts that reached his knees. He raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" 

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