Hecate Says Hi. Hecate Says Bye. (Annabeth's Perspective)

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"Why are you here?" Percy groaned, massaging his temples. Hermione looked startled at his insolence, but quickly covered it up.

"We want to know what happened!" She answered.

"So does everybody else in this school." I retorted. "You're not special. Get over it." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, we are!" Ron snapped. "We're the Golden Trio! We defeated Voldemort! And he's the Chosen One!" He gestured to Harry, who had the decency to look embarrassed. Thalia and Reyna snorted simultaneously.

"Chosen One?" Thalia repeated skeptically. "Really?"

"Golden Trio?" Percy added. "Oh, shut up. Even the Seven is better than that."

"You shouldn't talk." Thalia turned to Percy. "You're called the Two-Time Savior of Olympus!"

"Well, at least I'm not a Pinecone Face!" he shot back.

"That was one time!" Thalia defended.

"One time that lasted for six years!"

"Well, I'd rather be a tree than a guinea pig!"

"I was a guinea pig for only, like, two minutes before Annabeth found a way to turn me back! Besides, Annabeth, Clarisse, and I had to fix you! You would have stayed a pine tree forever if we hadn't retrieved the Golden Fleece!"

"It was a part of Lu- Kronos's plan! He would've done it anyway if you hadn't! Besides, it was your choice!" Thalia stumbled a little, but Percy kept grinning and continued the good-natured argument. Meanwhile, I watched our wizard visitors- whose faces displayed complete and utter bafflement- worried about what they might infer.

"There was a whole quest dedicated to turning you back into a human!"

"You turned into a guinea pig on the quest!"

"Six years, Thalia!"

"At least I did it to save Annabeth and Luke! You turned into one because you wanted to be more handsome!" Thalia rolled her eyes. "What else should I expect of a male?"

"I turned into a guinea pig on the quest to save you!"

"Wait, what?" Hermione finally spoke, panic characterizing her face. Percy and Thalia turned and realized the 'Golden Trio' was still there.

"Oh. Oops." He rubbed his neck. "Can't we just wipe their memories?" He suggested.

"Wait, what?" Harry roared, jabbing his wand at us even harder. Ron and Hermione quickly followed suit. I ignored them.

"No, remember? We don't have Hecate, and Piper's charmspeak doesn't work as flawlessly on wizards." I replied.

"Oh, right." Realization dawned on Percy's face. It was silent for a moment. Nobody moved. Then Thalia stalked out the door, taking care to bump into Harry on the way out. Harry scowled in exasperation and anger, but he couldn't do anything.

"We'll take you to McGonagall!" Harry tried to threaten, like last time. I mean, use your imagination. If you have one. But honestly, I wasn't in the mood for this right now.

"We're going to the Great Hall! McGonagall is in the Great Hall!"

"Move," Piper ordered them. They immediately obeyed and then looked confused. I didn't stop to answer the rest of their idiotic questions.

"Vlacas," I mumbled as I stormed past them and swung open the exit to the Gryffindor dorms. Marching down the moving stairways, my feet sunk into and got stuck in a step. I immediately groaned, realizing what stair it was. I tugged, but to no avail. A painting of a wizened old man smoking a pipe cackled at me gleefully.

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