One Evil Grandpa, Two Evil Grandpas... Wait, That's All (Harry's Perspective)

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(I know Harry is a very impulsive person with many suspicions in this story, but it's realistic because I based that off of his accusations of Malfoy in the real book. He was correct, in the end, about Malfoy, yet the claims he made were ultimately baseless. Therefore, the meme above just struck me as 'perfect' for this chapter. Enjoy!)

"We need to find out as much as we can about these 'exchange students.'" Hermione made finger quotes around the words exchange students, and I couldn't agree more. Ron, however, was confused.

"What's that thing you did with your fingers?" Ron replicated the motion. Hermione rolled her eyes, and that he understood. "It's not my fault!" He defended himself, affronted. "Muggles do weird things!"

"Never mind." Hermione shook her head and sighed. "There is something the new students are hiding, and I'm worried their secret could be affiliated with V-Voldemort." She stumbled a little on the last word, still not having gotten fully used to saying the name.

"But V- the git's dead, Hermione!" Ron waved his arms. I sighed.

"But what if they're trying to bring him back? Or follow in his steps? Continue his work? Maybe murder people who helped stop Voldemort?" I reasoned. Ron looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Okay, that makes sense." He admitted. "So how do we prove they're Death Eaters?" He asked. I shrugged.

"That's what we're trying to find out," I informed him.

"Why don't we check his family tree?" Hermione suggested. "The evil always seems to run in the family. Let's start with Jackson." She reached into the pocket of her robes to retrieve her wand. My eyes widened.

"That's genius, Hermione!"

"Well, obviously. What'd you expect?" Was Ron's reply. Hermione blushed.

"Thanks..." She seemed a bit flustered. She quickly whipped out her wand and muttered something incoherent, pointing the tip of the wand at a stray piece of paper on the floor. Whatever was on the paper before vanished, and was replaced with a list of names.

"Hermione, that was my homework!" Ron grabbed his head in dismay.

"You'd only written two lines on there anyway." Hermione retorted. We all crouched around the paper. There was a long, long list of names, squeezed so super small to fit on the page. I squinted... B.C.?

"Hermione, how long ago does this list begin?" I asked frantically. Hermione seemed to have noticed the same thing, as her face had turned red. Ron chuckled. She pointed her wand at the paper once again. As she murmured something incoherent, Ron teased,

"Still haven't gotten the hang of non-verbal spells?"

"Oh, shut up, Ronald! I just forgot about it!" Her face turned even redder, her frizzy hair falling into her face.

"When does something ever slip Hermione's mind?"

"Is this supposed to be a compliment or an insult?" She snapped scathingly. As she waved her wand, the list became much shorter and the font larger. 

"I asked for his parents, and grandparents on both sides. And for it to state their magical ability." She explained. Our heads hovered over the paper, wispy strands of Hermione's hair falling onto the sheet. Mesjina Stivans.. Tom Marvolo Riddle?!

"Oh my god!" Hermione yelped first, followed by Ron and I, like a cannon.

"This proves it," I stated, my hands trembling. We had another Dark Lord to defeat. Just when I'd thought I had gotten a break. The Wizarding World was still recovering... who knows what disasters Perseus Jackson could wreak?

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