Chapter 1 ||Julia

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As I was lying down on my bed thinking about...everything I guess: school,friends (I'd want to say family but I'd rather not think about that right now),love... "I wonder if someone would ever love me for me" I said quietly to myself.I started to drift off in my thoughts again when a womans voice pulled me out of my trans "Wake up time for school.".I sighed,stood up and walked out my bedroom.As i was about to walk downstairs i paused at the sight of...a picture? What was it doing on the floor? I walked toward it and got a closer look. I froze.My stomach made a turn at the sight of his face.I bit the inside of my cheek and picked up the picture.I went downstairs and threw the picture where it belonged.Where he belonged.The trash can.A metallic taste filled my mouth at how hard i was biting the inside of my cheek.I walked into the kitchen to find my mom making breakfast.French toast with some eggs my favorite.Today was my first day at my new school.I wasn't excited at all. I hated new things. Especially people.I hated people.They were cruel,mean and could only be a pain in the ass. "Breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes get ready."
"Do I really have to?" I said with a groan.
"Yes you do, you can't miss the first school day."
I rolled my eyes and went to my room.I picked out some random clothes; an oversized t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy lower bun.Before walking out i took a quick glance in the mirror. Scars. All over my arms. Disgusting. I ran to my room and grabbed a black hoodie,I changed and went downstairs . " Eat your breakfast.Hurry or else you'll be late." I checked my social media while eating my breakfast.I sent my daily message to Merlin.

"me:Hey, I'm so sorry that I haven't messaged you in a while.The past few days have been crazy but I will tell you all about it when I come back home,oh and today it's my first day at my new school.Anyways i gtg i love you and i miss you..."

"Julia hurry!" my mom screamed from the garage as i pressed the send button. I quickly took my backpack,hurried to the garage and hopped in the car. "Wearing a hoodie again? You aren't hurting yourself again are you?"
"No,mom! I'm not stop being so worried!" My mom has been paranoid since she found out about my self-harm. If i wear long sleeves she will always ask me if i'm hurting myself again,or when i am using sharp objects she keeps watching me thinking i don't see her. It is so annoying. I get it that she's worried but she can chill out a little.


I walked through the school gates and found a little corner with a bench.When I noticed no one was sitting there I took a seat and pulled out my book and my headphones out of my backpack. After a few minutes of peacefully reading I heard laughter from behind me.I continued reading when suddenly my headphones were snatched off my head. I turned around and saw a group of kids laughing with the guy that was holding my headphones.
no,no,no... not again.
"Well, look what we got here. A new kid."
"Please give me my headphones back."
"Why should i? They're pretty cool headphones, maybe i'll keep them for myself."
"Don't make me ask you twice, I don't want to do this, especially not on my first day."
"Do what? Tell your mommy?" he said with a mocking voice.
"Listen blondie, or you're going to shut your mouth and give me my headphones back, or I'm gonna shut it for you instead. Don't test me" I stood up from my seat.
"What if I want to test you?"
"Ok you know what? Fuck you." I kicked him hard in his crotch, and when he bent over from the pain I punched him even harder in his face. He dropped my headphones and and clutched his nose instead. Blood dripped on the floor, and blondie fell to his knees.His 'friends' stood there in shock. The smile that was on their faces less than 5 minutes ago long gone. I lowered myself to his ear and said "Don't mess with me again, be happy I only broke your nose.The next time I won't be as gentle."
"Bitch, you will regret this." I wrapped my hand around the one clutching his nose, squeezed a little harder and twisted just enough to hear him grunt from the pain. I picked up my headphones, put my stuff in my bag and went to class. Class didn't start for another 10 minutes but I didn't want to deal with any more assholes. I walked into the classroom and looked around searching for a good seat. When I finally found the perfect spot I sat down and got back to reading. When suddenly I felt 3 taps on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a guy with brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. I took off my headphones. "Hey, you're the new girl right? My name's Lucas."
"Oh uhm, yes I'm Julia. Nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too. I saw what happened with Brandon. I'm so sorry about him, he's a dick to everyone. But I saw you handled him pretty well, good job."
"Oh thanks"
"No problem, is this seat taken?" he nodded his head to the seat next to mine.
"No, go ahead. It's yours."

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