Chapter 4 || Julia

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It's been a week now since Lucas and basically the whole school found out about my scars. Brandon hasn't showed up at school since, rumors say that Lucas beat him up so badly he needed to go to the hospital. Others say that he just is too embarrassed to come to school. As I am sitting in class, I hear "Pssst...Julia" I turn around and see Noah holding out a note. I take the note from him and unfold it.

Will you go out with me?

yes                       no      
  P.s  you look beautiful today ;)

I smile and take a look behind me to see Noah smiling with a questioning look. I turn back around and draw a circle around the yes. I fold the paper back to how it was originally, turn around and hand Noah the paper. Not even 2 minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Sweet, I'll pick you up at 8.

I turn around again and give him a quick smile. The bell rings and me,Noah and Lucas walk out of class. "What was that all about?" Lucas asks, looking between me and Noah.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Those notes you guys were passing on during class."
"I asked Julia out and she said yes."
Lucas stopped in his tracks and his expression went blank while he looked at Noah.
"You're joking right?"
"no? He's not joking. Is that a problem?"
"Can I talk to you alone for a second, Julia?" Lucas asks. His face still unreadable.
I give him a small nod and follow him into an empty classroom.
"Julia what the fuck. Are you serious right now? what do you think you're doing?"
"No what the fuck do you think you're doing? Am I not allowed to go out with people?"
"No not with him. He's a player, Jul. He is just going to play you and use you ; he is not the kind of guy that actually dates girls because he likes them. Trust me.  Don't go out with him."
"Maybe he actually likes me huh?" I say walking toward the door and grabbing the doorknob. Lucas suddenly grabs my hand making me look at him.As we make eye contact I get a weird feeling in my stomach at his warm sudden touch. Get your act together Julia, you're going on a date with his bestfriend.
"Don't say i didn't warn you." he lets go of my hand and i walk out of the door.
Thinking about a boy and getting butterflies while getting ready to go on a date with his bestfriend isn't weird right? I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a navy blue knee length dress with a v neck and long sleeves. I did my make up and let my wavy hair fall loose on my back and shoulders. I also took out my black heels for this special occasion. It's the first time a guy has ever asked me out and my mom is freaking out. Me? I'm not really excited. I don't know but it doesn't feel right.  I'm probably just nervous. It's almost 8 so I have to hurry. I run downstairs, put on my heels and kiss my mom goodbye. There's a knock on the door. "It's probably Noah, bye mom love you." I open the door and there he is. Standing in my doorway is my 6'2 black haired, handsome date. Maybe not as handsome as... stop it we are not going there with my thoughts not tonight not ever. "Hey beautiful." He looks me up and down with a smirk on his face. "Hey handsome."
"Ready to go?"
"Sure, let's go."

When we arrive at the restaurant and settle at our table, I notice gorgeous brown hair that I could notice anywhere sticking from the booth not 5 feet away from our table.  What was he doing here? As I'm looking in his direction I see another person sitting across from him. Blonde straight hair with a ton of make-up on her face and a red mini dress.
"Hello? Are you listening?" Shit forgot I was on a date of my own.
"Oh yeah sorry what did you say?"
" I was saying that..."
Noah's voice blurred out when I started staring at Lucas again.
"Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom." I stood up and quickly went to the bathroom. I needed to calm myself down. After a few minutes I calmed down and walked out of the bathroom to be greeted by a tall figure blocking the hallway.
"What do you want, Lucas? I have a date to get back to."
"So you didn't listen to my advice?"
"Clearly not Sherlock, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here."
Lucas didn't respond and just looked me dead in the eyes. Was he trying to get a look into my soul? If so he was on the right path.
I cleared my throat. " So... who is your date?"
"Oh her?" He pointed at the girl behind his shoulder that was still sitting at the booth.
"She's not my date. Sort of. I just needed to bring her because I needed to come here."
"You know why."
"No i don't."
"Fine. I came here to watch out for you."
"I don't need a babysitter."
"I'm not babysitting you. I'm just looking out for you."
"Listen, I don't need you to be looking out for me."
Lucas glares at me and takes a step forward. So I take a step back. Step forward. Stepback. We do this little dance until my back hits the cold wall and Lucas places both his hands on each side of my head caging me.
He lowers his voice, leans in till his lips are right next to my ear and says "Yes.You.Do."
His breath shivering down my spine as the butterflies go wild again.
"Now, Julia. I want you to go to your date and tell him you've got a headache, go home and don't lock your window."
I slowly nod as he straightens and lets his hand drop to his sides.
"Good. Now go."

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