Chapter 15|| Julia

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Him using the word us feels weird.
"What is there to talk about there is no us anymore." I say crossing my arms infront of my  chest. Material of my hoodie moves across my wrist and i close my eyes just for a second.
"We just have to talk." Lucas says.
"Fine," I give in. „meet me after school at the gate." I tell him and walk back to class.

Two minutes. I've been waiting for him to show up for two minutes. I look around to find no sign of him. Sighing I take out my book out of my backpack and start reading. Two pages in I hear someone calling my name, I look up and see Lucas running up to me. "Julia,"
I raise my eyebrows and close my book.
"I'm sorry for the wait something came up."
I nod "So what did you wanna talk about?"
"Let's go for a walk while we talk."
When we walked away from the school gate and we were out of earshot to everyone Lucas started.
"So when did you relapse?" He said it slowly.
"The same day i hit that girl with a book i think." I say honestly.
"I got overwhelmed by everything."
I hear him take a deep breath and I look up in his direction.
"I'm sorry, for everything. I shouldn't have been so harsh when I ended things. I just didn't know how else to do it. I am so sorry for hurting your feelings Julia."
"Why did you even do it?" I ask the question that has been bugging me since.
"Did i do something wrong? Did i say something?" I ask.
"God no it's not your fault and never and i mean never blame yourself for that. I just... I don't know, I don't think I am ready for something like that." He scratched his nose and looked away.
"You're either lying or not telling me something." I say.
He looked down at his feet and then at me.
"It's nothing."
I decide to stop pushing and let it go.
"How's your hand?" I changed the subject.
"Been better. It still hurts a little when i move it too much but it's fine i guess."
"Good. In the next week or two it should be as good as new."
"Smartass."He says and then chuckles.
I nudge him in the arm while smiling myself.
"I am not." I say to him.
"Keep denying it and your nose will grow."
"Oh shut up."
After that we walk in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.
"Have you texted your dad back?" Lucas asked breaking the silence.
"No, not yet."
„Why not?"
„ I honestly don't know what to say."
„Why don't just tell him to fuck off then?"
At that i stay quiet.
„Just because we're acting like decent human beings right now doesn't mean we're friends you know." I finally say.
„You can't hate me forever."
„Watch me."
„Oh come on, what do i have to do to make you not hate me?"
„Figure it out. Gotta go." I say and then walk away in the direction of my house leaving Lucas behind.

I check my instagram and i raise my eyebrows in surprise when i see a notification from my dms.

Victoria.Williams sent a message.
Who is that?" I ask myself.

Victoria:Hey i've seen you around school. You're Lucas his ex right? You're like really pretty that guy made a BIG mistake girl. Just wanted to check up on you i heard you got suspended for hitting Lisa, tbh she deserved it that girl can't keep her mouth shut. So how are you doing?

Maybe there are nice people out there after all. I smile and type out a reply.

Me: Hi! Yeah i'm his ex, thank you so much. And i'm good thank you for asking. So you know this Lisa girl?

When i noticed the typing... on the bottom of the screen i clicked on her profile. Pictures of a black haired girl popped up, I clicked on her most recent picture and it's a group of around six people standing and holding eachother by the shoulders. Three girls and three guys. One of the girls is Victoria from what i can tell by her previous pictures. They're all laughing and one of the girls is holding a vodka bottle. I scroll down to check out more of her pictures. Beautiful hazel eyes and some freckles. I go back to my chat with Victoria.

Victoria: Yeah, we used to be like really close friends a year ago or so. She spread a rumor about me sleeping with her boyfriend (obviously i didn't) So i stopped talking to her.

Now she definitely deserved that hit.

Me:Well, she got her karma.

A minute later a new message appears.

Victoria: Wanna talk more about this during lunch tomorrow? You can sit with my friends and I. If you want of course. We always sit at the fourth table from the back.

I usually don't sit in the cafeteria but i mean i can maybe make some new friends.

me: Yeah sure, thanks!

I put down my phone and run downstairs to get something to eat. "Hey mom."
I say when i pass my mom who is sitting in the living room.
"Someone's happy." She says turning to look at me.
"We got something to eat?" I ask glancing at the tv to see some man and woman making out.
"Lasagna is in the oven if you want."
I give my mom a quick peck on the cheek and run to the kitchen. The smell of my moms iconic lasagna hit my nose which caused my stomach to rumble. I got myself a piece and ran back upstairs.

My moms lasagna, chefs kiss. I laid back on my bed holding my stomach. I was about to doze off when the doorbell rang. I heard my mom open the door and a low voice followed.
"Hey." I know that voice.
My eyes widen and i jump out of my bed.
"What are you doing here." I hear my mom say her voice serious.
when i get down the last step i see the face i haven't seen in years. My father was standing at the door. "What the actual fuck?" I mumbled. "Honey. Come give me a hug."
My mom looked in my direction and gave me a questioning look. I come closer and my father opend his arms ready for a hug. When i reached the door i stand there for a second before slamming it shut right in his face.
"What is he doing here?" I ask my mom and she shrugs.

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