Chapter 18|| Julia/Lucas

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I woke up after an uncomfortable night of sleep, I glanced at my phone. It's 10:26 am. Atleast i slept long. I decided to leave that shirt on my head for a while longer. Yawning i sat up and texted the groupchat.

Me: How's our hearbroken hot girl doing?

The replies were fast.

Amelia: Amazing! That dick does not deserve me.
Victoria: Yesss!
Charlotte: agreed you're too hot for him.
Me: Gotta agree on that.

I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I heard my mom come in late at night. She was giggling and snorting and i could tell she was drunk, so i thumped down the stairs as loud as possible and yelled "GOODMORNING!!!" She turned around looking mad and i smiled. "Good morning.You have a... donut on your head?" She basically whispered back.
"I know. Had fun last night?" I ask stomping to make even more sound. "Yes and now please be quiet." She said before she turned her back to me. "You already took some painkillers?"
"Mhmmm now leave me alone i want to die in peace." I smiled and grabbed something out of the fridge to eat before I hopped upstairs.

I ate and read my book all while having that shirt on my head. After i was done crying my eyes out because of my book i turned on my laptop and watched a movie. I looked at the time and noticed it was 1:47 pm. I gasped and jumped out of my bed. I sat down at my desk and took out my new makeup. Following a few tutorials i finally was done. After an hour or so. But that does not matter. I looked good and even the fake lashes i applied looked kinda amazing. Smiling i walked to my closet, grabbed a mid thigh length blue/white sundress with long sleeves. I hung it over my desk chair and looked for some shoes. I decided that a pair of white boots would do the job and i put them on the floor in-front of my desk chair. It was about 3pm by now and i still had an hour left so i took out the shirt out of my hair. Long dark waves unfolded and they looked amazing. I posed in the mirror and then put on the dress and shoes. The fair was like a forty minute walk from my house. "Mom! Shit- sorry." i whispered. "I'm going out." I let her know and she gave me a thumbs up before she pulled out her phone and transferred me some money again. "Since when are you so rich?" I asked.
"I got a promotion. And you look beautiful hunny." She whispered back.
"Congrats! And thanks."
She flinched and nodded.
"Bye love you." I whispered and blew her a kiss.

I had put on some headphones on my walk and felt like a princess walking down the street.
On my way there i was reading a new book and let google maps lead the way. Even when i arrived ten minutes early, Harry and Amelia were already waiting. when they spotted me they waved me over and i walked over to them.
"You look GORGEOUS!" Amelia said.
"You do. Loving the dress." Harry said and i smiled at the two of them, we sat down at some bench and the sounds of the fair sounded in the background while we talked about the most random things. I felt comfortable and happy with these people. They were my actual friends.
Besides then Noah and Lucas those were my first 'real' friends since Merlin. "What are you thinking about?" Harry asked and i realised that i was totally zoned out. "Just an old friend." I said smiling.
"What friend?" Amelia asked.
"Her name was Merlin." I answered.
"Was?" Amelia noticed.
"She passed." I said.
Both Harrys and Amelias face showed sadness and i waved it off.
" Don't worry it's okay." I said.
They let the subject go and then Victoria, Charlotte, Ethan and Jason arrived. We entered the fair and me and Victoria immediately found the cotton candy stand and got some. "Betting twenty bucks the girls won't go on this!" Ethan yelled pointing towards a crazy big rollercoaster.
"Twenty for each of us." Charlotte says.
"That is eighty bucks i'm no Elon Musk. But fine." He says back.
Me and Victoria glanced at eachother while snacking on the cotton candy, then all the girls shared a look and nodded.
"Bet." I say.
Me and Victoria quickly finish the candy cotton and then all four of us ran to the rollercoaster entrance. A few people were ahead of us and one of the heads seemed familiar. Blond. Brandon. He's standing infront of us. Shorts and a polo shirt. Rich dingus. I turn my attention to the girls who are laughing at annoyed looking Ethan. I giggle and then the line moves. Brandon takes the second seat and i with Victoria sit behind him while Charlotte and Amelia behind us. "Please no one throw up." Amelia yells and Victoria throws a thumbs up in response. "I will promise no such thing." I say. That makes a blond head turn in my direction. "Julia," Brandon says. I look away and ignore him. Before he has a chance to say anything again we start moving. "Oh shit. I'm not ready for this." Charlotte says. We all giggle and before we know it we're going up. I glance down at the boys and Amelia shows them the finger. "Julia is that you?" Brandon asks. I still ignore him, I look at Victoria instead. "So you gonna make a move on Ethan?" I ask. She turns to me. "I don't think so and even if i did how would i do it?" I think about that for a moment, then say. "I don't know. Maybe it will come natural-" I get cut off when i notice that we are at the top. "Fuck.." Victoria says and then the screams begin. We fall down full speed.

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