Chapter 2 || Julia

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After the lesson was over the loud sound of the bell pulled me out of my conversation with Lucas. "Wanna sit with me during lunch?" he asked while we walked out of the classroom.
"Sure I'd love to!" We walked through the hallway when suddenly I bumped into something or rather someone. I looked up and saw blondie or Brandon from what Lucas told me earlier. You've got to be kidding me.
"Want me to add something to the broken bones package?"
"I see you already found a little boyfriend you slut. Since I see you like to play around with boys so much you can maybe make it up to me for what you did earlier." He looked me up and down with a disgusting, creepy look in his eyes.
"Yeah no that will not happen." I let out a little laugh while his grin disappeared.
"You heard her Brandon leave her the fuck alone." Lucas said while glaring at Brandon.
"I will do whatever I want." He glared back at Lucas and I could feel the air thickening with tension. "And you." Brandon turned his attention back to me. " You will pay for what you did." He turned around and walked away. "You okay?" Lucas asked me.
"Oh yeah I'm fine he's just an asshole I don't care what he says." he gave me a quick smile and looked down at his phone.
"Shit, we're late to class, come on, we gotta go."


The last bell rang. Finally. Lucas and I exchanged numbers during lunch. He needed to pick up his little sister from kindergarden, so we said our goodbyes and he hopped on his bike and disappeared into the streets. I put on my headphones and turned on some music. When I got home my mom was sitting at the kitchen table. "Julia, can you come here for a second? I need to talk to you."she said, not even turning to look at me.
"Yeah sure what's up?" I said while sitting down at the kitchen table across from her.
"So, I've been thinking alot about this. And maybe you should start seeing your therapist again." I stopped seeing my therapist a few months ago, and I did not want to go back to her. She didn't help at all; the only thing she did was almost put me in a mental hospital.
"Sweetheart, it's for your own good."
"I said no goddammit!" I snapped I was not going to that woman again. I didn't want to snap at my mom but she did it to herself. I stood up and stormed off to my bedroom. I pulled out my phone and texted Merlin.

"me: Hey, I just got back from school. As promised I will tell you all that happened in the last few days. So today I broke a guy's nose because he was picking on me. I also made a friend. His name is Lucas, we exchanged phone numbers during lunch. You would like him, he's really nice. Also my mom told me that i should start seeing my therapist again, I obviously told her no and stormed out. And I'm officially 3 months self-harm free. It's the longest I've been clean since you're gone. I found out my stepdad got out of jail a few days ago and my dad is apparently dying. But I wouldn't be suprised if he lied about that too. All that lying for nothing, doesn't he get it? I don't want to talk to him anymore. That's about it. I love you and I miss you so so much."

After I sent the message, a notification popped up on my screen. It was a message from Lucas.

"Lucas: Hi"

"me:hey what's up?"

"Lucas:So my bestfriend is coming to school tomorrow, he was sick today but i was wondering if you would want to meet him?"

That would be the perfect opportunity to make a new friend so why not?

"me: Of Course! I'd love to! What's his name?"

"Lucas: AWESOME!!! His name is Noah."

"me: kk! Igtg i have to do the assignment that we got. Bye, see you tomorrow."

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