Chapter 13|| Julia

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Lucas' hands are on my waist while i'm straddling his lap. They creep down till the find the elastic of my underwear. "I missed you so fucking much my love." He kisses me harder and his hand slips inside my underwear. "Me too i missed this so much. I love y-"

"Julia wake up! Time for school honey." My moms voice yelled from downstairs. And it was all a fucking dream of course. I stood up from my bed placing one foot down after the other. I rubbed my eyes and walked to the chair next to my desk where i prepared some clothes. Tomorrow is my date with Aiden. He texted me that he will pick me up. He hasn't texted me since but i'm not worried about that. What i am worried about is that i just had a sex dream about Lucas. After putting on some decent clothes i walk back towards my bed and take a pillow hugging it to my chest and falling face down on my bed. Resisting the urge to scream after a minute or five i got up and hurried downstairs.

He's standing there. Laughing with his friends. He seems off. He has been since we broke up. I peek from behind my book every few seconds to steal a glance off him. How can such a beautiful boy with such a beautiful smile be so cruel? I hate him. You know you don't. You could never. The voice in the back of my head says so quietly only i can hear it yet so loudly. But no, i hate him. He broke my heart. Lost in my thoughts i haven't realised that i've been staring at him. Suddenly he turns and we lock eyes. I quickly hide behind my book and continue reading. "Hey." A voice sounds from behind me. I turn around to see Aiden. "Hi." I say startled. "What you reading about?" He nods his head towards the book in my hands.
I close it but not fully just to check the title. "Good girl bad blood." I tell him. He sits down next to me. "A friend of mine read that too." He says looking down at the book. "Oh cool."
"Sooo... I have a question."
I give him a questioning look.
"Let's just get straight to the point. Wanna go to the janitors closet and give me a bj?"
My eyes widen. Damn that guy is an asshole.
"Is this a joke?"
"No? I mean i thought you are the kind of girl that goes for sex and all not the romantic stuff."
"So this date thing...?"
"We were gonna fuck afterwards."
I stand up and he mirrors my movement.
"You are an ass you know?"
I turn around and walk away. Am i even surprised? The guy seemed nice and shy at the beginning. Oh well, more free time to read tomorrow.

Sitting at my desk making psychology summaries always calms me down. Yeah psychology is stressfull but not if you're doing it in your free time with a whole day to spend and no deadlines. The audiobook of my book plays in my headphones. My room lately has been a mess. I'll clean it later. I keep telling myself even though i never do. Exams are just around the corner and instead of studying i am sitting here making some useless summaries. I stand up and walk downstairs. Taking my favoriete cup out of the cabinet i turn on the boiler. I make myself some coffee and walk back upstairs to my room. I plop onto my chair and place the coffee on the desk. My laptop is on some random site about mental disorders.
Today was supposed to be my date with that asshole. I crack my knuckles and my phone pings. It's an Instagram notification. I open it and a video pops up on my screen. I click play and watch in shock.
It's a video of Lucas beating up some guy. And by some guy i ment Aiden. What the fuck? I turn off the video and just stare at my phone's black screen.

Since i watched the video of Lucas beating Aiden up i haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Even though it's been two days i'm worried so i find Lucas in the hallway and walk up to him. "Why?" I ask furiously.
"What why?"
I take his hand and look at his busted knuckles. I slowly run my finger across the wounds and look up at him.
"Why did you beat that Aiden guy up?"
I ask still holding his hand. I look down at the damage again when he answers.
"Just a disagreement."
"None of your business."
I glare at him.
"He's just a dick that's all. I didn't do anything he didn't deserve."
He looks away.
"Did you get this checked out?"
I ask referring to his hand.
"No." He still won't look at me.
"Jesus Lucas."
I walk towards an empty classroom and close the door behind us. "Sit down."
"What are you doing?" He asks sitting down.
"Does it hurt?"
I walk towards the sink and grab a towel. I make it wet and walk back towards the idiot.
"Give me your hand."
He outstretched his hand towards me.
I gently wash his hand. When it's all done and i placed some gauze on his hand and wrapped it with a bandage, i hand him some Bio Oil out of my backpack. "Apply this daily when it's fully healed. If you want the scars to be as little visible as possible do it twice a day.Do not pick at the scabs. That will cause for bigger scarring or can cause an infection."
"Yes ma'am." He says looking at me but then lowering his eyes to his bandaged hand.
"Don't 'yes ma'am.' me here. I mean it don't pick at the scabs. You already picked on them."
"How do you know."
"The fight happened two to three days ago and you had wounds on your hand."
"The wounds had time to scab in those two to three days. So the only explanation to why they were still wounds would be that you picked on the scabs."
He smiles at me.
I roll my eyes and leave the room.

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