Chapter 7 || Lucas

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I hear a loud thud from behind me. I let go of Noah and he struggles to keep his balance so he uses a desk for support. Shrugging the three guys off me I turn around and Julia is on the floor. "Julia!" I yell but she doesn't react. I kneel down next to her and lift her a little toward me. "Get a teacher!" i tell Noah but he just stands there frozen looking at us, eyes wide. "I said get the damn teacher Noah!" I tell him again. He finally stumbles towards the door and runs out into the hallway. The guys run to help with Julia but i stop them. " Get a wet hand towel quick." i tell them and they do it not questioning me. "Julia please, please open your eyes for me." I plea but i get no response. One of the guys brings me a wet towel and i put it on-top of Julia's forehead. After what feels like ages her eyes flutter and open very slowly. "Oh god Julia." i say tugging her closer and kissing the top of her head. "What happend?" she asks softly. "You passed out." Noah comes trough the door with a teacher following behind. " What happened?" the teacher asks her voice sounding panicked. "She passed out but she just woke up." I explain to her. "We should bring her to the nurses office." the teacher says coming closer to take a better look at Julia. " I don't think that will be necessary, she's all good now she just needs some rest."
"Do you know her parent's number so they can come pick her up?"
Julia hands me her phone from her pocket and i find her moms number. I dial her moms number and explain the situation to her.
"Yes of course. I-I'll be right there, give me five minutes."

Julia is still laying on the floor with her head in my lap and the towel on her forehead. "I'm fine i swear." She say's for the tenth time.
"Julia you should rest you just passed out."  I stroke her hair gently. Her mom comes into the room and says "She'll be okay. She passes out under a lot of pressure-if she's stressed out basically.But she needs to rest. Come on."
I help Julia up and walk her to the car with her mom. "Thank you for helping out. What's your name?" Her mom asks after we put Julia in the car. "Lucas. My name's Lucas i'm Julia's," I hesitate. I don't know who I am to her so i just pick the safe option. "friend." She thanks me once again, gets in the car and drives off.

The day goes on with me ignoring Noah and all the whispers in the hallway. After school i head straight to Julia's house, I knock at the door and her mom opens it and let's me in. I go to Julia's room and knock before slowly opening the door. She's laying on her bed on her stomach watching a movie. She's wearing a white tank top and some gray loose shorts. Her legs are swaying it the air and her head is in her arms looking at me. Her face lights up and she sits up quickly. "Lucas!" She say's excited with a big smile plastered on her face. I can't help but smile myself. Her hair is loose hanging on her shoulders and back. "How are you feeling?" I ask closing the door and going to sit next to her on the bed. " Good." She tells me climbing onto my lap and wrapping her hands around my neck. She kisses me letting me taste her sweet taste and then pulls away. "Don't do this." I tell her.
"Do what?" She looks at me grinning.
"Julia don't do this to me. Don't tease me my self control cannot handle things like that."
"Tease you like this?" She says kissing me once more while moving her hips forward. Blood rushes to places that it shouldn't.
She pulls away grinning even more.
"Oh fuck. I warned you not to do this." I say. I flip us over so i'm on-top of her. She giggles and then pulls me in giving me another taste of her. "You know you now have to finish what you started right, love?"
"I don't see what the problem is." She tells me smiling. I smile back and give her a quick kiss before i take off my shirt. Her hands find my hair and my hands explore her body. I take off her shirt, she's only wearing a bra. She reaches for my zipper and undoes my pants i get off her and pull them off. I crawl back on top of her and pull down her shorts. We make a quick job of her bra and i can't stop looking.  "You're perfect."
She looks at me, blushes and looks away.
I kiss her on her forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, i follow the line of her jaw and go down to her neck. She whimpers and tilts her head back. I continue kissing her on her chest and down her stomach. I trace the lace of her underwear with my fingers and look up for approval. She give me a quick nod. I slowly slide it off and her breathing gets faster. When her last piece of clothing is off she's on full display to me and only me. I kiss her legs and her inner thighs. I kiss her hip bones and all the way up again. My lips find her lips and that's all it takes. I'm lost in her taste, her smell, her soft skin. She tugs on my boxers and i look down. She takes them off. She inhales sharply when she sees how much i want her. Need her. I kiss her again and my hand moves from her cheek to her hips. Till my thumb finds it way to her clit. I press it with enough pressure to make her moan inside my mouth. "Now be a good girl and be quiet for me." She nods once and i push two fingers inside her. She gasps but keeps her eyes on mine. I take them out and push them in again she opens her mouth but doesn't make a sound except for her hitched breathing. I add another finger and her eyes roll to the back of her head. "You're so wet for me aren't you?" She nods quickly.
"I need words love, use your words."
"Yes." She breathes.
I remove my fingers and she comes back to earth. I lick my fingers and kiss her. I take my cock and position it. I slowly start going in and she gasps, looks down and says "God you're..."
"Big?" I finish for her. She quickly nods.
"Oh that's not all of me yet."
Before she can answer i slam into her and she moans. "Shh you promised to be quit we don't want anyone like your mom to hear you do we?"  She shakes her head. I go in an out of her until i find the perfect rhythm. Julia dugs her nails into my back wich causes a sweet sharp pain. I feel her tighten around me and feel her legs shake. She quiets her moan by biting into my shoulder. My head is down in her neck. I fasten my rhythm and i finish with a groan. "Fuck Julia."  I fall on the bed beside her and we are just quiet. She cuddles by my side and i tug her closer.

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