Chapter 18

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It only took 2 hours to find the door again; I took a few wrong turns and we lost a couple of people a ways back. We made it to the end with 14 gladers alive.

i suppose the other 42 boys are now stuck in the maze.

we approached the door carefully, fingers pressed against our lips to shush eachother. that didn't work on chuck though, who started shrieking out of nowhere


"huh? where?" i started whipping my head around. soon enough i saw a long, thick, griever leg in my peripheral vision. I turned to face my babe as he crawled to eye level.

All 15 of my baby's eyes were filled to the brim with what i can only assume to be tears. the sight of it made me tear up as well.

"oh shshshshshhh pookie bear don't cry, i'll see you again, one day," i said, reaching out stroking his beautiful face. i just wish i could have stroked more 😔

"heeeessrrrreeggggshshhhhchchxhxhherrrrr" said my bbg.

"i know baby i know" i look away to prevent tears from spilling over

my pookie reached out one of his disfigured claws to me, grasping the air....

before collapsing at my feet.

in his back was a 5'3" spear, now polished with fresh griever blood. only one person in the glade was that height. my pal. my companion. my partner in crime.

i turn, slowly, toward the rest of the glade group. chuck is standing there, his 5'3" ass shaking and shivering under my stare.

i tilt my head "you should probably run" his feet started to pitter patter as i chase after him on all fours. my mouth foamed after i smelt a whiff of vengeance.

then something came over me. my skin began to burn and and my eyes stung. my whole body began to ache, but i continued my speed crawl after chuck. 

finally, when the pain subsided, i felt a surge of something powerful. i felt strong, big... unstoppable. i glanced down at my body and saw thick fur coating it, claws piercing through my hands... which were more like paws now.

Ah yes, my true form. Wolf babe.

as if it was instinct, i titled my head back, unleashing the most alpha howl known to man.


Church stopped in his tracks, nearly wetting himself. he's too omega. he started running again, taking sharp turns at every chance.

Unbeknownst to him, my howl triggered the grievers' systems. They all scuttled over to help me catch chuck and avenge my baby. chuck ran into a dead end and was cornered by me and the other grievers.

chump started to whimper, cowering in the corner. at that moment, before my eyes, he too began to morph. of course he was considerably smaller and much weaker than i, but the fur and claws were unmistakably wolf.

I snarled. Damn. I couldnt kill a pup like him. But i cold punish him. I signaled to the grievers and they began giving him 15 spankings, for each of my babes eyes.

Once he learned his lesson, I reluctantly returned back to the glader boys with Cunt by my side. They all gaped at my wolf form. ofc, they didn't recognize me, so they whipped out their spears and aimed them at me. But then they saw my AK-47 strapped across my shoulder and sighed of relief.

Then their glances turned to Chika, in awe that he was still alive.

Jack, one of the irrelevant med-jacks or something, said "Woah, y/n didn't kill him? she must have gone soft-"

his words were cut short by a rapid firing of my AK. The glader boys flinched as he fell to the ground.

"Whoops, hehe 🤭" I giggled, "just a little malfunction, my b" someone had to die ig. I threw his body behind us for the grievers to feast on.

the glader boys shrugged it off, which was a wise choice. I transformed back into my human self in order to fit into the door ahead.

"uhmm, small problem," said minho, clearing his throat, "We can't get the door open. It's jammed shut and the button is broken. We tried everything-"

The glader boys didn't flinch this time as i began spinning in circles, rapid firing my AK-47. After the dust cleared, the door became visible again. It was open, hissing and smoking.

I trotted towards it and yanked it open. I took a step forward but immediately stopped in my tracks, pulling out my AK. A shadow in the smoke drew closer. As it approached, it revealed to be a man in a tight turtleneck.

He smirked as he said

"We've been expecting you, y/n. Welcome to W.C.K.D. I'm Janson."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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