Chapter 1: The Beginning

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In case you don't know by now, my name is Samantha Roberts and this is the story of my life. Well, I guess you can say this is the story of how a amazing group of people changed my life. Where do I start? I guess I'll start at the very beginning:

I was born on a dark stormy night. All I know of my birth parents is that they abandoned me as a child because of my bright magenta eyes.

A poor couple that lived in an old house in Georgia adopted me. There names were Joyce and Ken Roberts. They never told me I was adopted. They loved me as their own, and I loved them back. I was tall with dark brown long hair and tan skin. I went to the public school a few blocks down and had a great friend named Peter Oliver. He was tall with light brown hair and bright green eyes. We walked to school together every day and talked about school and books. We were continuously teased, but that didn't bother us.

When I turned 15, my parents told me I was adopted. When I got home from school one night, they were standing in the hallway.

"Hi Samantha, me and your father need to tell you something." My mother said.

"Sure." I said as I sat down.

''There is no easy way to say this. You know your father and I love you very much right?" my mother said.

"You're adopted!" my father blurted out before I could reply.

"What!" I screamed. That was the first time I truly felt like I didn't belong.

"Calm down." My mother said quietly as tears dripped down her cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I screamed. I wiped the tears off my cheeks because I too was crying.

"We were waiting for the right time." My father said sternly.

"Who are my birth parents?" I asked.

"We know nothing about them." My mother said.

I ran to my bedroom and cried. I was still crying when I wrote a note to my parents explaining why I was leaving home.

I know now that running away was a foolish thing to do, but if I had not, I wouldn't be where I am today.

I snuck out of the house late at night and crawled into Peter's room through the window that he always leaves open. I also wrote him a note explaining why I left and telling him to stand up for himself.

I didn't want to wake him from his sleep, but after I finished my note, I dropped my pencil. I bent down to pick it up, and as I stood up, I hit my head on his desk.

"Ouch!" I yelled.

Peter sat up in his bed. "Who's in here?" He asked standing up and turning on the light.

"Sam? What are you doing in here?" he asked.

"I... I..." I couldn't say anything out loud. I started crying.

Peter came to me and gave me a hug. "Shh... what's wrong Sam?" he asked.

I pointed to the note I wrote him which was lying on the desk. He led me to his bed where I sat crying as he read. He walked up to me and gave me another hug.

"I'm sorry Sam. It will all be okay, you'll see." He said rubbing my back as I cried in his chest.

"Why are you running away though?" He asked after I had finished crying.

"I just can't stay there knowing they lied to me about it for so long. I'm really going to miss you Pete." I said crying again.

"Hey, I'm going to miss you too, but stop crying okay." He said.

"Thanks Pete, you're amazing. I hope we can see each other again." I said standing.

"You are not going to go out tonight, not in the dark. You can leave in the morning." He told me.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I asked.

"You can sleep in my bed. I'll take the floor." He said grabbing a few blankets.

"I am not making you sleep on the floor in your own room. I'll take the floor." I protested.

"Please Sam, this might be the last time I ever see you, let me do something nice for you." He said sadly.

"Okay." I said getting into his warm comfy bed.

"I'm really going to miss you Sam." He said turning off the light.

"I'll miss you too." I said before I drifted off into a deep sleep.


A/N: First chapter! I hope everyone is as excited about this story as I am! I can't wait for the action to start! Please comment!


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