Chapter 16: Electrified

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I looked at him. Mr. Electric was standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to capture you." He said grabbing my arm.

"You are? I don't see how." I said flipping him over.

"That's very good, but can you deal with this." He grabbed my leg and all of the sudden I felt a incredible shock of pain.

I fell to the ground. I was in so much pain. I couldn't move.

"This is how." He said grabbing me and picking me up. I felt myself losing consciousness.

"Now you will answer to John Brown." He said as my eyes seemed to glue shut.

"Is she awake?" Someone asked as my eyes slowly fluttered open.

"I think so. Samantha?" Mr. Electric asked waving his hand in my face.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled. I was sitting in a chair chained up.

"I would say she is awake." He said crossing his arms.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"I know what you're thinking. You think I'm taking you to the Manipulator. Well, I'm not. He lied to us. He told us that you would be our way to redemption. He said that you would lead the war against the government. Now all he cares about is your death. He is blinded by his hatred. I need you to bring us justice!" He said.

"How do you plan to do that? I will never help you." I said.

"The power of persuasion is great my dear." He said.

"What does that even mean?" I asked.

"It means that I will make you lead us. With or without your consent." He
said laughing.

"Who is us?" I asked.

"Let me introduce you to my team. This is Cassandra, and she has the power of control the weather.

This is Jacob, and he has the power to turn invisible.

This is Daniel, and he can increase in height and decrease in height.

This is Vickie, and she can turn her body into any element on the periodic table.

This is Zaria, and she specializes in creating microchips for a specific person to implant into their brains, so she can use her powers to control people.

Oh and you know Lucas already." Mr. Electric said. While he introduced each person, they stood before me, so I could see them.

When Luke came before me, he wouldn't look me in the eye.

"What did you do? Make the bracelet into a tracking device. I'm starting to figure out that you are completely untrustworthy." I said scowling at him.

"Sam, I had to." He said.

"Just stop Luke. I'm tired of your excuses and lies. It's to late to apologize this time. You don't have to do anything for anyone. Especially not me." I said.

"Don't worry love. He never stays long in one place." Daniel said in a obviously fake British accent.

"Stop pretending to be British Danny. It's not fooling anyone." Vickie said.

"He could be pretending to be French. That is a lot worse. Trust me." Cassandra said to Vickie.

Zaria was working on research, and Luke was watching as she worked. He was reading as Zaria read.

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