Chapter 3: New Places and Old Stories

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The trip to the government facility was extremely long. We drove for a while until we arrived at a near airport. He left his car with a friend, and we walked toward a booth. He showed some kind of government pass, and we received tickets. I had no clue where we were going, but I didn't feel the need to ask.

We boarded a plane and it wasn't until then when I realized we were going to Washington D. C.

The flight to D.C. wasn't that long. Though It was about an hour and thirty minutes of absolute boredom. At least I got to stare out of the window. I tried not to think about Peter and my parents. Even after a year of being with the Crown's, I still couldn't stop thinking about them. I missed them more than I thought I would. I tried focusing on the clouds and shapes for a while, but it felt like every time I saw one, it would change into something else.

We arrived in D.C., and took a cab to the government facility. After hours of traveling, he finally said we arrived.

I'm not completely sure about what I expected it to be like, but I know I couldn't possibly have imagined it to be anything like it was.

The main building was huge! There were many types of colorful plants in the front that made the building look less serious and even more beautiful. There was a small building to the left that really caught my eye more than anything else. The old building looked so out of place next to the larger and newer building. However, the main reason I was curious about it was because it reminded me of home.

When Mr. Crown led me inside, I was in even more awe. There was a magnificent chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and the furniture looked brand new. We walked to the front desk.

"Can I help you?" An older lady asked grumpily not even looking up from her computer screen.

"Yes, we have an appointment to see Dr. White." Mr. Crown said.

"Names please?" She asked still not interested.

"Ron Crown." He said.

"I need you both to sign this sheet stating that you were here and you went to visit him." She said handing me a pen and a sheet.

As her hand briefly brushed mine, it was as if her entire life story was played in front of me. I knew all about her divorce a few weeks ago after her son died of a disease he got from the lake they visited the month before. A tear fell down my cheek.

"Excuse me mam, but are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine, but are you okay?" I asked.

She looked at me for a brief minute confused, but then she turned away. Somehow I knew she understood what I meant.

I quickly skimmed the paper and signed my name on the line. I passed the paper to Mr. Crown and looked at the portrait, by the table, of a group of kids smiling. Three boys and one girl stood in different colored outfits.

The girl was beautiful! Her clear, tan skin and long, dark brown hair made her positively radiant. She was in a pink suit, and her smile was extremely bright. I was so captivated by the portrait that I didn't see Mr. Crown walk up next to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder, and I jumped.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Mr. Crown said.

"You're fine. I wasn't paying attention." I said still looking at the portrait.

It was like the girl was calling to me and forcing me to notice her. I couldn't turn away.

"Do you know who those people are?" He asked me. I shook my head no.

"They are the reason I'm bringing you here. Every couple of years there are certain people who are born to be different than everyone else. They might not know until their teen years, but they were always meant to be special. We knew these people existed, but we couldn't find proof. We looked for years, but we didn't have any until ten years ago we found her, Melinda Smith." He said pointing to the girl in the portrait.

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