Chapter 5: Paintings and Pool Games

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I woke up to Justin calling my name.

"Sam...Sam, wake up." He said.

"Whaaat." I said tiredly. I looked at the clock on my desk. It was 4:00.

"We don't get up this early every day do we?" I asked.

"No, I wanted to show you something." He said.

"Why can't it wait till later?" I asked annoyed. I stood up and looked in the mirror. I looked terrible. My hair was a mess, and I looked like I came out of a horror movie.

"They won't let us go there. I sneak out in the middle of the night to visit all of the time." He said.

"I'm coming, just let me change and brush my hair. I look terrible." I said.

"You look fine! Let's go." He said. I ignored him and quickly grabbed my clothes, ran to the bathroom, changed, and put my hair up in a ponytail. I walked out of my bathroom.

"Wow, that was under 10 seconds!"
He said. I realized I must of had super speed too.

"Okay, let's go." I said walking out of my room. We walked out of the house and went into the woods. He showed me the path and we followed it. We came to a gate.

"This hasn't been here before. I guess we will have to go back." He said sadly.

"The gate isn't that tall. I think I can fly us over it." I said.

"Can you fly with control?" He asked.

"I don't know? Let's find out." I said excited to try it.

"I don't know about this." He said nervously.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

"Yes, but-" I cut him off.

"Then let's try it." I said. I grabbed his hand and focused on flying. I jumped up and stayed off of the ground. Justin had his hand over his eyes, so I moved it away.

"Look! We're flying!" I said excitedly.

I flew over the gate and went down to the ground. I laughed.

"That was amazing!" He shouted laughing with me.

"See, I told you not to be scared! It was fun!" I said happily.

"Okay, it's this way." He said walking down the other path. I followed him and we came to a small pond. The water was amazingly clear!

"Wow, it's beautiful! Is that a cave?" I asked walking over to the cave by the hill.

"I like to sit here when I can't go to sleep. Sometimes I bring my paint brushes and canvas to paint here." He said.

"You're an artist?" I asked.

"Yeah, I like to paint in my free time." he said.

"Can I see some of your art one day?" I asked.

"You can see some right now." he said walking inside the cave. The cave wall was covered in magnificent paintings.

"Wow! They're beautiful!" I said.

"The walls are perfect for painting on. As far as I know, I'm the only one who ever goes in here, so I don't think it matters that I paint on them." He said. There was paintings of people, the ocean, animals, trees, and a few instruments. There was one painting in particular that really caught my eye. There was a little girl bending down and picking up the sunflower with the broken stem in a field of perfect sunflowers. It was beautiful.

"This one is my favorite!" I said pointing to the painting.

"It is my favorite too. Do you want to know what it stands for?" He asked. I nodded.

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