Before you Read

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I am SO excited to start writing this story! I've been wanting to write this for a extremely long time. When I was really little, I actually started this story, but it was absolutely terrible. Now that I have been working on my writing skills, I feel like this version will be better. I created all of the characters a while ago and I can not wait to hear what you think about it. Please do not steal my work. I've worked extremely hard on this for a long time. I hope you enjoy my story of a completely misunderstood girl and team.




Samantha Roberts was never an average girl. She was born with magenta eyes and abandoned. She had a hard life that was getting better, but then something happened. Something she couldn't quite explain. Then she met a group of people like her. A group of people that would forever change her life. They became a team of friends called SOS: Secret Operation of a Super Species. When her life took a turn for the worst, they were there to support her. Join Samantha and the rest of the team on a adventure that will change them completely.

The Secret Life of Samantha RobertsWhere stories live. Discover now