Chapter 8: Stressed Out

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I woke up on a water bed, and Mozart was playing softly. I sat up, and almost fell off the bed. Everything from yesterday came back to me at once.

"Peter?" I said walking around the house.

"In the kitchen." He said. I flowed the sound of his voice. I walked into the kitchen.

"You're finally up!" He said coming over and hugging me.

"What do you mean finally?" I asked.

"You have been asleep for two days." He said.

"What? Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked.

"You wouldn't wake up. We were really worried about you." He said.

"We?" I asked.

"Oh Luke. Lucas Bray. We share this house. He should be back in a few minutes. He said you knew him already." He said.

"Yeah we've met. Did you tell the Manipulator that I was here?" I asked.

"No, I would never. Not now that I know what he wants. He didn't tell me it was you. I didn't know. You have to believe me Sam. He just told me that we were going to try to find his daughter because he lost her a long time ago. " He said.

"I believe you. Did you tell my team?" I asked.

"No, the one you were dancing with tried to follow me, but I stopped him." He said.

"Is he okay? What do you mean stopped him?" I asked.

"Calm down, I just made him fall asleep right outside the building. The one that attacked me was standing right there." He said.

"What are you cooking?" I asked.

"I was cooking eggs, but I think I just burnt them." He said laughing and throwing them away.

"I'll eat cereal." I said.

"No, when Luke gets back, we are going to go somewhere. You just woke up. We are going to celebrate." He said.

"Peter, I need to say this. I'm so sorry. You kissed me, and I ran. I didn't tell you that I felt the same way. I was scared. I have been thinking about this since I left. Seeing you again, seeing my parents again. I can't see them anymore. I saw you all of the time. When someone called me Sam, I always thought of you. I... I'm so sorry." I said tears were falling down my cheeks.

"Hey, Sam, It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. I think of you all of the time too. I never thought I would see you again. When you ran, I locked myself in my room for hours. When I walked out, I heard about what happened to your parents. I think that was the worst day of my life. I didn't think that we would meet again, not like this." He said.

"I miss you Pete." I said burying my head into his chest like when we were friends.

"I miss you too Sam." He said kissing the top of my head.

The door swung open.

"You're awake!" Luke said walking inside.

"Hey Luke." I said.

"Hey, we were thinking about going out to celebrate Sam waking up." Peter said.

"You burnt the eggs didn't you." Luke said.

"Maybe." Peter said.

"You two go ahead. I have to do something." Luke said putting a bag down.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you at the café sometime." Luke said smiling.

We went to a small breakfast place near their house.

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