Chapter 13: Visions

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It was getting dark, and Annie and Colin were still not back. Ben, Cindy, Mandy, and Beck were all asleep. Peter was reading in my room while I looked through the minds of millions looking for the shapeshifter.

"This isn't working!" I said plopping on my bed out of frustration.

"Maybe you should take a break." He said closing his book.

"I doubt I will ever find him. I should just stop." I said putting my head in my hands.

"It's okay. You will find them in time, but you have to keep trying." He said putting his hand lightly on my back.

"Thanks Pete, I think I'm going to go check and see if Annie and Colin are back." I said standing up.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked.

"I'm good. You can keep reading. I'll be right back." I said walking to Annie's room next door.

I knocked. There was no answer.

I opened the door, and the room was empty.

"Annie? Are you here?" I asked. There was silence. I looked around Annie's room. I haven't been in there since I made it. It was decorated with posters of bands and actors. I smiled.

"Sam?" Annie asked. I turned around.

"Annie! Where were you all day? I've been looking for you everywhere! Why did you just run off and leave without telling anyone? I was so worried about you!" I said angrily.

"Colin knew where I was." She said

"Yeah and he was gone too!" I said.

"We weren't supposed to be gone so long. We were lost and then we found this bowling place and..." I stopped her.

"The point is you aren't supposed to leave without telling someone that is actually staying here!" I yelled.

"Well I'm sorry! You're too busy worrying about yourself to listen to me!" She yelled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"All you do is worry about yourself! Then you yell at people for no reason! You are such a hypocrite!" She yelled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked again angrily.

"You came into my room last night to talk to me about all of your problems. I told you I was leaving, but you didn't listen to me!" She yelled right next to me.

"No I didn't! After you finished talking
to me, I went to sleep!" I yelled.

"Then who went into my room!" She yelled.

"The shapeshifter!" I said.

"Who?" She asked.

"I'll explain later, but that wasn't me in there last night. It was a person pretending to be me!" I said.

"So you really didn't know?" She asked.

"No, I had no clue. I apologize for getting so mad. I've been really stressed today." I said.

"You're fine. I'm sorry for not telling you." She said hugging me.

"I'm going to go find this fraud before he causes anymore damage!" I said running back to my room and slamming the door.

"What's wrong?" Peter said standing up worriedly.

"The shapeshifter pretended to be me!" I yelled jumbling my words together.

"What? Slow down." He said.

"The shapeshifter went into Annie's room last night and made her think it was me. He made her mad at me. That's why she left without telling us." I said.

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