Chapter 7: Family Reunion

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The week went by really fast. If you walked by the gym, you would've heard music and laughter. If you walked in a near by store, you would've see Mandy and Cindy looking for the perfect clothes. I'm still not sure what Beck was doing all week. Ben was busy coming up with cheesy pick up lines, and trying to get one of us to date him. Justin was either in the gym, or painting. I read every book I could find in the library. Everyone had been busy all week except for me. I just kept reading. I stayed up all night reading and never had time to visit Justin. We haven't really had a long conversation since the other night.

It was Friday morning, and I was worried about tonight. I was walking into the kitchen when I accidentally ran into Mandy.

"Watch where you are going!" She yelled.

After I ate, I ran quickly to the cave. I looked around the walls. Justin's paintings were so beautiful. There was a canvas at the back of the cave. I didn't think it would matter if I looked at it. I walked down and saw that it was covered. I moved the cover and saw a half finished painting of half of a girls face.

"Sam? Are you out here?" I heard Justin ask. I quickly put the cover back on top of the painting and ran to the front of the cave.

"I'm in here!" I yelled back.

He walked in the cave.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" He asked.

"I was just a little nervous about tonight, so I came in here to relax." I said.

"Don't be nervous. I won't let anything happen to you. I love you Sam." He said taking my hands in his.

"How are your paintings so beautiful?" I asked. His face fell a little, so I kissed his cheek. He smiled.

"We haven't talked for an entire week. It has been killing me." He said putting his hand on my back.

"Well you seem pretty alive to me." I said teasingly.

"Very funny. Has Ben been bothering you? He has been practicing his pick up lines on me all week." He said laughing.

"Why? Jealous?" I teased.

"No, I'm just concerned. Do you think we should tell them that we are dating?" He asked.

"Um... I don't think that's a good idea. Mandy would be mad. I heard her talking to you the other day." I said.

"So you were spying on me. I thought that's what you were doing. Jealous?" He said smiling.

"I'm not jealous. I'm...concerned." I said.

"Sounds like jealousy to me." He said.

I punched him in the side.

"Hey, no need to be jealous. I would choose you over her any day." He said pecking my lips.

"So, have you talked to Beck? He seems really mad at me." I said.

"He doesn't really talk unless he is mad about something." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, the only thing he has really said to me was kind of rude." He said.

"Are you going to tell me?" I asked.

"Fine, he said and I quote "If your nosy friend doesn't stop snooping around my head, I'm going to make her pay." I said that he better leave you alone, and he spit on me." He said.

"Wow, he does hate me. I think he hates me more than Mandy does. Maybe they have good reason to hate me. I shouldn't have gone in their minds. They have the right to their privacy." I said sadly.

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