Chapter 18: A Giant Suprise

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I woke up in my room. I stood up and had a pounding headache. The bracelet was still on my arm. I changed out of that horrendous uniform, and I put on some normal clothes.

I put my hair up, and I walked downstairs. The television in the lobby was turned on.

"Yesterday, there was an outbreak of violence at the new mayors ceremony. A group of powerful individuals called GEMS, terrorized innocent bystanders and claimed that they would destroy all who opposed them. Another GEMS group came and foiled their plan. Three GEMS were killed. The others were jailed. Some witnesses claim that one of the GEMS from the first group killed three of her teammates, and then could not control herself. Multiple people were injured, but none were killed. We have this picture of the girl that seemed to be the leader of the rebellion. The government states that she is federally protected. What is the government keeping from us? Are these so called GEMS dangerous? Lucy Young, Channel 12 Action News." The television screen had a picture of me shown on it.

"Turn that off." I said to Beck who was watching it.

"You don't like seeing yourself on TV?" He joked.

"That's not funny Beck." I said walking into the kitchen.

"How is Peter?" Mandy asked.

I quickly turned invisible.

"He is still unconscious. I don't know when he will wake up. I don't know what she did to him." Cindy said.

"I hope he is okay." Mandy said.

"Me too... So where is Luke?" She asked.

"He said he had to take care of something. He said he hopes be back before Sam wakes up." She said.

"Well he isn't." I said turning visible.

"Sam, are you okay?" Cindy asked.

"A minor headache, but I'm fine. Any idea when Peter will wake up?" I asked.

"No. Right now, I'm not sure if he will wake up." Cindy said quietly.

"Will you take me to him?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said walking towards the infirmary.

I walked in and Peter was lying on a table.

"Peter..." I said sitting in a chair next to him.

He had scars all over his face and chest.

"What did I do?" I asked crying.

"I'll let you have some privacy." She said walking away.

"Wait Cindy! When can I get this bracelet off?" I asked.

"Luke has the key. When he returns, he'll take it off." She said walking

"Peter, I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want any of this to happen." I said crying. I kissed his cheek trying to avoid where his cuts were.

"Sam?" He said quietly.

"Peter, you're okay. I thought I killed you." I said.

He tried to sit up, but he fell back down.

"Rest Peter. You need it." I said.

"Okay. I love you Sam." He said.

"I love you too." I said.

He closed his eyes, and I watched over him as he slept.

"Sam? Cindy said you would be in here." Luke said as he walked in.

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