Chapter 14: The Fair

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"What do you mean?" Peter said.

"You seem to affect the Dark Flame somehow. I need you to help me." I said.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"I don't know yet, but I need to find out soon. Peter, I'm scared of myself. I almost killed him. I'm a killer Pete." I said crying again.

"Listen to me Sam. That wasn't you. It was the dark spirit inside of you. I'm going to do whatever I can to help you stop this." He said putting his arm around me.

"I love you Peter." I said leaning into him.

"I love you too." He said.

For the next two days, I searched online and in many different books for information about the Flames.

I found out that the Dark Flame is completely obsessed with power. That was the only reason that it tried to rule the dimension. The vessels or hosts that it tried to control were all extremely powerful. Every dimension that it traveled in, it found the most powerful vessel, and then it possessed them. The Light Flame is the complete opposite. It wants to protect that dimension and the vessels that live inside of it. It normally choses a kind and powerful vessel and doesn't disturb it unless the Dark forces it to. When either Flame gets close to killing the vessel, one of the Flames travels to a different dimension and the cycle continues.

I was in the library reading about traveling between dimensions when Peter walked in.

"Good morning Sam! Happy Birthday! I brought you a hot chocolate from the café. Sue told me to tell you happy birthday." Peter said walking over to me, and putting my drink on the table.

"Thanks Pete." I said pecking his lips.

"So what does the birthday girl have planned for her birthday?" He asked me.

"Research." I said holding up my book.

"Come on Sam. You cannot be serious. You've been working on this for two straight days." He said.

"I need to figure this out Peter. I can't let this spirit control my life!" I said.

"I get it Sam, but can you put down the books for today. Please." He said putting his arms around me.

I put my head on his chest.

"Okay." I said. He kissed my forehead.

"So, I was thinking that maybe we could go to this fair in the conventional center area." Peter said.

"Sure, that sounds fun!" I said. I knew he was trying to get me out of the house so they could decorate for the party, but I didn't say anything. I also haven't really gone anywhere with him since the day of Justin's funeral. I wanted to spend some time with him.

"Great! I'll let you get ready. Meet me in the Lobby when you are done." He said quickly jogging out of the Library. I laughed.

I should have probably been nervous about the vision, but I didn't want to think about it. I was going to enjoy today. I grabbed my hot chocolate and went up my room.

I grabbed a purple top, and some jeans. I quickly changed into them and curled my hair. I never really used make up, but I decided that I would for today only because it was my birthday. After I lightly put on make up like Annie taught me too, I walked out of my room and walked towards the lobby.

I passed Colin, and he quietly told me happy birthday.

When I got to the Lobby, Peter wasn't there yet. I sat on the couch and waited. I finished my hot chocolate and threw away the cup. He was taking a long time.

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