Chapter 9: Protection

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I woke up next to Peter. His face was centimeters away from mine, and his arms were around me. I jumped backwards and hit my head on a rock.

"Sam?" He asked.

"I'm here still. You scared me though." I said holding my hand on my head. It was bleeding.

"You're bleeding." Peter said worriedly.

"Wait for it." I said. Suddenly, the blood and the pain was gone.

"Wow, that's awesome!" Peter said happily.

"Where did Luke go?" I asked.

"I don't know. He must of left while we were asleep." He said.

"Yeah probably. How did we fall asleep anyway?" I asked.

"I don't know. We were just tired I guess. I think that's how most people fall asleep." He said.

"Why didn't he wake us up?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's still early. You could probably make it to your house before 7." He said.

"Ok, but you have to remember our promise. You can't turn yourself in." I said.

"Neither can you." He said.

"I won't. I'm sorry Pete. I really am." I said running to the house.

I walked into the lobby.

"You're back." Beck said sitting up from the couch.

"Yeah, I'm back." I said.

"Look, I can tell you hate me. It's my fault to. I shouldn't be so rude. I didn't mean to make you so mad. I was upset that this happened to me. I was just taking it out on you. I didn't think that you had any problems because you seemed so happy. I guess I was wrong." He said.

"You were right though. I shouldn't have gone through your minds. It was just that they wanted me to, and I thought that if there was more people, my plan would actually work. It turns out that I was the one that ruined it." I said.

"We are a team. It was all of our faults." He said smiling.

"It doesn't feel like we are a team. Everyone is mad at me." I said.

"Not anymore. After you left, everyone was upset with themselves for being so rude. Especially me." He said.

"Do you want me to heal your nose?" I asked.

"You're right. I deserve it." He said.

"No, you apologized. I forgive you." I said healing his nose.

"Thanks." He said.

"Why are you down here?" I asked.

"I come down here when I can't sleep. It is quieter." He said.

"It is pretty quiet down here." I said sitting next to him.

"Have you seen Justin since I left?" I asked.

"Yeah, he came in the conference room after you left. We were all still sitting there staring at the broken table. I think he figured out what happened because he froze me to my chair and stormed out." He said.

"I should probably find him." I said.

"Yeah..." he said. I stood up and ran to his room.

He wasn't in there, so I flew up into my room. He wasn't there either. I flew out of the window and to the cave. He was inside painting on the canvas in the back.

"Justin?" I asked walking up to him.

"Sam." He said wrapping me in a tight hug. He pushed his lips to mine and I kissed him back. I pulled away from him.

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