Chapter 12: Mending Fences

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When I woke up, Luke was gone, and there was a note on the table.

It read:

I decided that I needed to leave early, so I could explain to father what happened. I wanted you to know that after I blew up the computers, you turned into the Dark Flame. It used your powers and disintegrated The Traveler. I didn't want to say it in front of your friends. I'm sorry that I left without saying goodbye, but we will see each other again.

Your brother,

I folded the paper and put it in my pocket.

"Hey, where did Luke go?" Mandy asked walking in the room.

"I don't know." I lied.

"Well, did he tell you what happened after he destroyed the computers?" She asked.

"... No." I lied again.

"Oh, that's a shame." She said avoiding eye contact. I knew something was wrong, and I really wanted to look in her mind and find out. However, I did promise not to do that, so I decided against it.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing." She said walking away.

I stood there trying to think about what just happened.

"Morning Sam, Where is Luke?" Peter asked walking in the Lobby.

"He's gone." I said.

"Oh, did he say where he was going?" He asked.

"Back to The Manipulator. I have a feeling that he won't be on our side very much." I said.

"Well, he was raised by him. That's all he has ever really known." He said.

"I know, but he has also seen what he does to people. Why doesn't he want to fight back?" I asked.

"He probably feels like fighting back will make him less happy than just following him. I don't think he knows that The Manipulator is beatable, and we are going to beat him." Peter said.

"I hope so." I said walking to the kitchen.

Ben was sitting at the table eating toast.

I didn't want to really talk to anyone because I didn't want to lie to anyone else, so I turned invisible and went around him.

"Morning Sam! I hope you didn't want any toast because I am eating the last three pieces of bread." He mumbled with his mouthful of bread.

"Ben, swallow before you start talking, and how did you know I was there?" I asked grabbing a bowl and the box of cereal.

"For someone so smart, you forget things pretty easily. I have super senses. I could hear you walk in. Do you always eat cereal?" He asked.

"Yes, and thank you for swallowing this time. How did you know it was me?" I asked.

"Why? It's so bland. I hate cereal. Anyway, you're powers are more advanced than anyone else's. I could feel your power when you walked in." He said biting his toast.

"I happen to think that this cereal tastes really good. Have your powers been strengthening since you have been here because I don't think you "felt my presence" before." I said starting to eat.

"They have been changing a little. So, why were you sneaking in here?" He asked.

"I didn't feel like having a conversation." I said.

"Not even with your best friend?" He asked.

"Annie isn't awake yet. She is a late sleeper remember." I said smiling.

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