Chapter 17: GEMS

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I was told to go to Mr. Electric's room.

"Daniel told me that you needed to see  me." I said.

"Yes, Samantha, I heard that you want the bracelet off of your arm." He said.

"That is correct." I said.

"I can do that, but you need to do one of two things. First, you can agree to our cause and agree to let Zaria
control you. Secondly, you can disagree, and we can force you to let Zaria control you. It's your choice, but the first way tends to he the easiest on us and you." He said.

"I agree, but I have a question. Why does Zaria have to control me?" I asked.

"Because I can't be certain that you are on our side. Now, we need to work quickly. Zaria has completed your microchip, so we can begin the implant into your brain." He said leading me to a lab room.

"Can we get this over with?" I asked.

"Yes, but before we begin, I need to give you an anesthesia." He said.

"Go ahead. The faster, The better." I said.

"Okay." He said pulling out a shot.

The bracelet was still on my arm, so I felt a sharp pinch of pain as it entered into my skin. I closed my eyes and started to feel more tired by the second. I heard a voice yelling, but I was too tired to make out any words. I slowly feel asleep.

It was dark and cold. I saw Peter. He was upset. I turned around and Justin was on the other side of me. He was upset too. They wouldn't look at me.

"Come on guys. You can't seriously be mad at me." I said.

"You lied to us Sam. Do you think you can treat us like this and everything will still be okay?" Peter asked.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Pete. I didn't mean to hurt either one of you." I said my vision was blurring because of my tears.

"What did you mean to do then?" Justin asked.

"I... I don't know. I just wanted to make everyone happy." I said.

"Look how well that turned out." Justin said sarcastically.

"Seriously! I thought you were dead for months! The least you could do is try to understand!" I yelled.

"Sam, I spent those months being tortured everyday. The only thing that helped me get through it was believing that when I returned home, we could be together again." Justin said sadly.

"You told me that you never stopped loving me Sam. You told me that you wouldn't leave me again. I don't know if I can survive you leaving me again Sam. I love you. However, if you don't love me, go to Justin. I don't want to hold you back from your happiness." Peter said.

"I don't know who to go to! Don't you understand that I love both of you? I don't know what to do!" I said.

"Sam? Gorgeous? You need to wake up." Daniel said.

I sat up feeling a lot better than I did before. The pain was gone, and the bracelet was no longer suffocating my wrist.

The dream felt so real. However, I'm not sure if it was a vision, or a random scene made from my mind while it was under anesthesia. I couldn't believe Justin was alive again. I couldn't find his mind, he had to be dead.

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