}~Chapter 6~{

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(Izuku: btw what do you mean by adopted and stuff?)
(Pia: oh im an or-)
*Pia got cutt off-*
(Robin: she's an orphan onii-san.)
(Izuku: o- oh-  sorry for asking...)
(Pia: nah its ok some people asked the same thing)
*Robin & Izuku frown a little*


(Pia: ehehe-  oh and what time is it btw-?)
*Robin and Pia looked at Izuku*
(Izuku: oh-! Yeh limme just...)
*Izuku grabs his phone and checks what time is it*
(Izuku: its..10:53am)
(Pia: oh! I've got to go now...)
*She says with a frown then she hugs them both then stops the hug and she starts walking to the orphanage*
(Pia: Bye Robin! Bye Broccoli!)
*then Pia runs back to the orphanage...*
(Robin: huh- did she just call you 'Broccoli'?)
(Izuku: ehehe- I think so because i called her cute.)
(Robin: well she is cute. Welp anyways she's better and happy getting a family)
(Izuku: yup.)
*Vegeta comes back with a bump on his head*
(Vegeta: hey guys...!)
*then he realizes Pia's gone*
(Vegeta: where's Pia-?)
(Izuku: oh- she left already.)
(Vegeta: awww man...)
(Robin: its ok...we can meet Pia again next week)
(Vegeta: oh yeh!)
*Izuku smiles at the two*
(Izuku: hey lets go back its almost time for lunch. Robin,Vegeta?)
*looking at the two*
(Vegeta: alright! Next stop your house.)
(Robin: hehe. Yeh!)
*They all head back to Izuku,Robin's home*

Meanwhile with Pia...

Its Friday...11:06am..and Pia is already at the orphanage sitting in the couch waiting for her new family/parents the Bakugou's

(Pia: huh i wonder what my brother is like. Hmm what if he doesn't like me-? What if- )
*Pia then got interrupted by someone calling her name*
(Angelica: Pia? Hello?? Earth to Pia-??)
(Pia: h- huh-  oh! Right- ehehe sorry Miss Angelica.)
(Angelica: hehe its alright anyways are you ready?)
(Pia: huh-? There here already?!)
*Miss Angelica chuckles*
(Angelica: hehe yes dear. There here over that door waiting for you.)
(Pia: oh- uh alright!)
*Pia smiles getting excited and nervous then she goes through the door seeing them the Bakugou's*
(Masaru: hmm i wonder how he'll react if he sees her-)
*Gets interrupted*
(Mitsuki: Piaaaaa!)
*Mitsuki runs to Pia and hugs her tightly*
(Pia: hehe- hi Mrs Bakugou.)
(Mitsuki: no Pia-. Your not calling me Mrs Bakugou anymore Pia. Because im now your new mom?)
*Pia hugs her tightly*
(Pia: hehe- right I forgot 😅)
*Mitsuki chuckles*
(Mitsuki: its alright dear..)
*Masaru joins the hug*
(Masaru: heyy.. dont leave here all alone without a huggg especially with my new daughter)
(Mitsuki: shush she's mine.)
*Masaru & Pia sweatdrops*
(Pia: ehehe-)
*they all stopped the hug and Masaru put his hand on Pia's shoulder*
(Masaru: ready to go?)
*Pia nods*
(Pia: yep!)
(Masaru: hehe alright then. Lets go!)
*Masaru picks up Pia and puts her on his back*
(Pia: wow-  wait-  I not heavy to you-?)
(Masaru: who saids your heavy? Your light as a feather!)
(Pia: hehe alright then.)
(Mitsuki: oi! Be careful not to break your back!)
*Pia and Masaru walking to the car*
(Masaru: I wont!)
*Mitsuki sighs then smiles*

~Mitsuki's POV~

(Mitsuki: the adoption certificate?)
(Angelica: oh-!  Right- right-  let me go and get it.)
(Mitsuki: alright.)
*Miss Angelica left the room and goes to the office*
[Emman and Issa in the living room sitting and talking]
(Issa: I swear I thought we would die-)
(Emman: yeh-  she f*cking almost eat our heads...)
*They both shivered thinking about that*
(Emman: if only I could beat her up. This wouldn't happen.)
(Issa: yeah! And apparently she's getting adopted.)
(Emman: ...why...why! the f*ck is she getting adopted not us!)
(Issa: ....idk- idk....)
(Emman: then lets kill her.)
*Mitsuki listening there whole conversation at the side of the room*
(Mitsuki: ...)
(Issa: ...when the time comes bro when the time comes..)
(Emman: .... alright.)
*They both stand up and head to there rooms*
(Mitsuki: what or who where they talking about..)
*Miss Angelica comes back with the adoption certificate*
(Angelica: Im back and here's your certificate mam.)

Mitsuki turns around and takes the certificate*
(Mitsuki: thank you.)
(Angelica: np mam.)
*Mitsuki left the orphanage and joins Pia & Masaru*
(Masaru: honeyy we dont have a room yet for Pia-..)
(Mitsuki: she can sleep on the guest room. For the meantime..)
(Masaru: what about Katsuki-?)
(Mitsuki: ......oh f*ck him. Pia is staying no matter what. that boy doesn't even talk to us a lot. So while his not talking to us we can have Pia to talk to)
(Masaru: Huh- alright-...)
*Pia's tummy grumble*
(Pia: oh-  ehehe-.. sorry)
*Pia Blushed from embarrassed ment*
(Masaru: i guess someone's hungry)
(Pia: ehehe yep 😅)
(Mitsuki: well then lets cook special food for you)
(Pia: wha-  no its ok- i dont wanna waste your ingredients)
*Pia sweatdrops*
(Masaru: nonsense who says were gonna waste food? And besides ur mom right here is a great cook! So im sure your gonna eat a lot)
(Mitsuki: yup so lets go home and cook!)
(Pia: alright!)

Harhar its meh Bunny/Pia making chapter 7 now also no one wanna join meh story-? Eh- alright and thanks for reading meh story! 👍🏼 peace out!

Made in: (2/5/2023)

~Bakugou's Little Chaos~ ✨Book 1✨Where stories live. Discover now