}~Chapter 34~{

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(Nezu: and a One For All heir you must train. Because you're so adamant about being the Symbol of Peace, I invited you here, the only place)
*Smoke coming out of All Might and Nezu turns his to All Might*
(Nezu: you can fulfill all your needs without the public knowing.)
*Poof smoke everywhere and All Might turned thin*
(Nezu: Can't you relax a little bit?)


~All Might's POV~

*I turned my head to Nezu. Nezu climbing up the couch*
(Nezu: As for today's class, you can only teach a little, right? I may be the one who asked,)
*I got closer to Nezu*

Nezu: but you did accept it. So I want you to prioritize it, as the principal. There are dozens of Hero agencies in this town, you know?)
(All Might: You're exactly right. So that is why... I was just getting ready to head down to USJ.)
(Nezu: Even if you go, you can't stsy long, right?)
*I looked at Nezu and he was pouring tea to his cup*
(Nezu: If that's the case, why not stay here and listen)
(Nezu: -to my theories of...)
*I sweatdropped*
(All Might's Mind: -He's pouring tea...)
*Nezu slides a tea to me*
(Nezu: Drink up.)
*I sweatdropped more and Nezu took a sip to his tea*
(All Might's Mind: Whenever he starts talking, he can't stop.)
*I looked at my side*
(All Might's Mind: The fact that both numbers were disconnected worries me...)
(Nezu: The first topic is the vulnerability and burdens of teachers who are Heroes.)
(All Might's Mind: Principal, you haven't changed either.)

~No One's POV~

*Shouji uses his Quirk*
(Lida: Shouji, is everyone here? Can you check?)
(Shouji: They're all scattered, but they're here.)
*Everyone sighs in relief then turns serious and looking at '??? 1'*
(Sero: Shit, we can't hit him. Plus, he warps things. This is the worst Quirk.)
*Thirteen thinks*
(Thirteen: -Class president,
(Lida: -Yes?)
(Thirteen: I'll assign you to run to the school and tell them of the situation.)
*Lida surprised*
(Thirteen: The alarms don't work and the phones are disconnected. The alarm is an infrared type. Even though Erasure Head has been erasing all of their Quirks over there, it's not back up yet because probably whoever has the Quirk to interrupt it is hiding somewhere. It'd be faster if you run and tell them rather than searching.)
(Lida: But as president, I can't just leave my classmates--)
(Rikido: Go Exit Boy!)
*Rikido starts walking forward*
(Rikido: There are alarms outside.)
*Rikido stops and does a fighting stance then Sero joins him too*
(Rikido: Isn't that why they're all staying inside?)
(Sero: They won't follow you outside. Blow this fog away with your legs!)
*Thirteen walk one step forward*
(Thirteen: Please use your Quirk to save us.)
*Lida gasps and Shouji joins them*
(Ochako: I can support you like I did at the cafeteria!)
*Mina nods*
(Ochako: I will! Do it, class president!)
*Lida then turns serious and uses his Quirk. Lida then does a running stance*
(??? 1: Although you may have no choice, only a fool would form a plan in front of an enemy!)
*'??? 1' uses his Quirk*
(Thirteen: That's because we don't mind you knowing!)
*Thirteen uses his Quirk on '??? 1'*

~Izuku's POV~

*Mineta screaming and panicking*
(Mineta: How will you fight them, idiot? They said they can kill All Might! You're not making sense! We should just patiently wait here until the U.A. Heroes come and save us.)
*Tyusu,Pia and Izuku thinking*
(Izuku: Mineta, those guys down there are expecting a fight in water, right?)
(Mineta: Don't ignore me!)
(Tyusu: Does it mean they choose their members with this facility in mind?)
(Izuku: Yes. They obtained all this information and prepared so carefully, They sent Asui--)
*Izuku then blushes a lot and Tyusu is confused*
(Izuku: ... Tyusu to this water zone.)

Tyusu: There's no need to rush it.)
*Izuku then relaxes and sighs in relief*
(Izuku: -Really?)
(Mineta: -So what about it?)
*Izuku then realizes*
(Izuku: So what I mean is, maybe the Villains don't know our Quirks?)
*Tyusu then also realizes too*
(Tyusu: Kero, That's true...)
*Tyusu then looks at her right*
(Tyusu: If they knew I was a frog, they would have thrown me into the Fire Zone.)
*Mineta still panicking and Pia just listening and watches Tyusu and Izuku*
(Izuku: Because they don't know our Quirks, they scattered us and planned to attack us with numbers. For a few newbies like us, there's one way to win. Keep our Quirks unknown to them. They're not climbing the boat. This is what backs my theory.)
(Izuku's Mind: But that means they are not taking us lightly as well.)
(Tyusu: I'm going to explain my Quirk to you. I can jump high,climb walls and stretch my tongue 20 meters max. I can take my stomach out and wash it. I secrete a toxic mucus which only stings a little.)

[A/n: wut- 💀]

*Mineta blushes*
(Mineta's Mind: Secrete...)
(Tyusu: -The latter two aren't very useful)
(Mineta: -Secrete...)
(Tyusu: so forget them.)

That's all for today folks until next time because i have exams today! Peace ✌️!

Made in: 3/9/2023

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