}~Chapter 36~{

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(Izuku: Strong pressure that hits the water surface spreads out and gathers back to the center.)
*The Villains screams*
(Male Villain(7): -Move!)
(Male Villain(8): -Get away!)
(Tyusu: We rounded up everyone. I guess we've cleared the first hurdle for now.)
(Tyusu's Mind: You two are amazing!)
(Pia's Mind: You three are amazingly cool!)


~No One's POV~

(Male Villain(5): Hey get off of me!)
*Tyusu dragging Mineta and Izuku,Pia walking*
(Mineta: I had a good bowel movement so they'll stick all day!)
(Izuku: We're lucky that was all of them. What a gamble... Usually they'd have some hiding underwater. I was trying to...)
(Pia: And Broccoli, is mumbling again-)
*Mineta nods*
(Tyusu: Stop it, Midoriya. You're scaring me.)
*Izuku stops mumbling and they all stopped walking*
(Tyusu: We should think of our next step instead.)
(Izuku: You're right.)
*Izuku groaning from his injured fingers*

)*Izuku groaning from his injured fingers*

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(Pia&Mineta: ...)
(Tyusu: Are you okay?)
(Izuku: Yeah... Calling for help is our priority.)
*Izuku points at the exit*
(Izuku: We should stay by the water and exit avoiding the plaza.)
(Tyusu: I agree. Mr. Aizawa is keeping most of the enemies within the plaza.)
*Sandy explosions comes from the plaza*
(Izuku's Mind: But there are too many of them.)
(Izuku: I'm sure Mr. Aizawa plans to destroy them all. But I think he charged at them not because he can, but to protect us.)
*The four of them realizes*
(Mineta: Hey Midoriya, don't tell me... )
*Tyusu,Pia looks at Izuku. Mineta sweats more*
(Mineta: Stupid, stupid...)
*Izuku turns his head to Mineta,Tyusu,Pia*
(Izuku: I don't plan to get in his way, but I want to help him if there's a chance.)
(Izuku's Narrative Thoughts: We misunderstood our first battle and victory. We believed that our powers could work. against the enemy.)

~Third Person's POV~

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~Third Person's POV~

LandSlide Zone...

(Shoto: Scatter and kill us, huh?)
*Shoto sighs*
(Shoto: I feel bad saying this,)
*The group of villains and ground is frozen in ice*
(Shoto: but you all look like you don't know how to use your Quirk.)
*Shoto walks forward*
(Male Villain(8): This guy... the moment he came... Is he really a kid?)
(Male Villain(9): It hurts...)
*Shoto continues walking ignoring the Villains*
(??? 2(past): Where are you? I came all the way here with this big crowd for you.)
(Shoto's Mind: Killing All Might, huh? It seemed like they had brought their best to outnumber us...)
*A villain came out nowhere and jumps at Shoto then Shoto freezes him*
(Shoto's Mind: but it turns out they were just pawns. They're just a bunch of thugs.)
*Shoto let's go then the villain falls*

Shoto's Mind: From what I saw, there were only four or five truly dangerous ones.)
*Shoto turns serious*
(Shoto's Mind: If that's the case, the next thing I need to do is...)
*Shoto turns his head at the frozen villain*
(Shoto: If you stay here like this, your body tissue will die slowly.)
*The villains afraid of Shoto*
(Shoto: But I want to be a Hero, so I'd like to avoid doing a such thing.)
*Shoto gets closer to the villain and puts his hand of the villain's face while using his Quirk*
(Shoto: On what basis do you think you can kill All Might? Tell me your plan.)

Mountain Zone...

*Denki screams and dodges the villain's attack*
(Denki: How scary! I seriously just saw heaven's gate.)
*Denki running and Jiro slices the villain*
(Denki: Who are these guys? What is going on?)
*Momo hits the villain*
(Jiro: Leave that for later. We need to find a way to get out of here.)
*Denki turns his head to the 2 girls*
(Denki: Then give me a weapon too!)
(Jiro: You're an electric guy,)
(Jiro: -just electrocute them!)
(Denki: -Hey! Didn't you see me during battle training? I only cover myself with it! I can't control electricity. It will hurt you two. It's the same as Todoroki.)
*Jiro looks at Denki*
(Denki: Even if I want to call for help, they're jamming it.)
*Denki pointed at his headphone*
(Denki: Listen, you two. I am of no help. I'm relying on you.)
*Jiro sweatdrops*
(Jiro: Aren't you a man?)
*Denki huffs then sweatdrops and dodges the villain's attack*
(Jiro: Okay then, Human Stun Gun!)
*Jiro kicks Denki*
(Denki: Seriously?)
*Then hits then villain and uses his Quirk. The villain screams then Denki turns his head to Jiro and gasps in surprise*
(Denki: It's working, I'm so strong.)
*Denki thumbs up at the girls*
(Denki: Rely on me, you two!)
(Jiro: You're so easy.)
*Jiro gasps and uses her Quirk*
(Male villain(9): You brats!)
*The villain charges at Jiro then Jiro uses her Quirk at him. Denki gets punched in the face and send shock to the other villain. Momo uses her Quirk and throws a net at the villain. The villain also joins the shock*
(Momo: Be serious, you two!)
*Momo,Jiro does there fighting stance*
(Jiro: Sorry, I thought it would be a good plan.)

*Idk what to say-* but hey! Tomorrow's the last exam day so good luck for me 🙃😅 Peace ✌️

Made in: 3/9/2023

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