}~Chapter 28~{

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(Aizawa: finished with a busted arm again? I won't let you use not being able to control your Quirk as an excuse forever.)
*Izuku grumbles a bit*
(Aizawa: I hate repeating myself. Once you fix that, you can do more.)
*Izuku smiles*
(Aizawa: Feel urgency, Midoriya.)
*Izuku turns serious*
(Izuku: Yes!)


~No One's POV~

(Aizawa: Now to homeroom business. This maybe be sudden, but I want you to...)
(Everyone's Mind(except Pia): Another special test?)
(Aizawa: ...choose a class president.)
*Everyone relieves*
(Everyone's Mind(except Pia): Finally something school-like!)
*Kirishima raises his arms*
(Kirishima: President? Choose me!)
*Denki raises his hand*
(Denki: -Me too!)
*Jiro also raises her hand*
(Jiro: -I wanna do it too!)
*Aoyama raises his arm*
(Aoyama: -It was meant for me...)
*Mina raises her arms and cuts off Aoyama*
(Mina: -I'll be the leader!)
*Mineta raises his arms and starts moving it everywhere*
(Izuku's Mind: This never happens in a regular course, because it's more work.)
*Katsuki raises his arm and shouts*
(Izuku's Mind: But in the Hero Course, this role trains your ability to lead people as a top Hero.)
*Izuku's Mind says looking around and raises his hand a little bit*
(Lida: Silence!)
*Everyone turned silent and looked at Lida*
(Lida: You'll be responsible for leading the masses. It's not something anyone can do. This sacred role requires trust from others. If we want to choose a true leader democratically, we should decide with a vote!)
*Lida says raising his arm very high*
(Everyone's Mind(except Pia&Lida): Your hand is raised the highest!)
(Denki: Why did he suggest it?)
(Tyusu: We just met, so how can we trust each other?)
(Kirishima: Everyone will vote themselves.)
*Lida puts his hand down*
(Lida: All the more, whoever receives multiple votes would be the most appropriate, right? What do you think?)
*Lida says to Aizawa who was already in his yellow sleeping bag*
(Aizawa: As long as you do it in time, I don't care.)
*Aizawa says then falls down in the floor*
(Lida: Thank you very much!)

Time skip 'Election Results'...

Izuku Midoriya 4
Momo Yaoyorozu 2

*Izuku surprised and shocked*
(Izuku: I got four?)
*Katsuki stands up angrily*
(Katsuki: Why Deku? Who voted?)
*Everyone sweatdropped*
(Sero: It's better than voting for you.)
(Katsuki: -What did you say?)
(Ochako's Mind: -It'll be scary if Bakugou finds out.)
*Ochako says whistling and looking away*
(Pia's Mind: Not gonna lie but i agree with that dude. Sorry Onii-san, ehehe-)
*Pia sweatdrops and looks away. Lida's hands shakes and sweatdrops*
(Lida's Mind: Zero votes... I knew it...)
*Everyone looked at Lida and sweatdrops*
(Lida's Mind: it's a sacred job after all...)
(Momo: He voted for someone else?)
(Rikido: And he wanted to do it too... What are you thinking, Lida?)
*Izuku and Momo infront of everyone*
(Aizawa: Okay, so Midoriya is president. Vice president is Yaoyorozu.)
*Izuku very nervous*
(Izuku: Is this... really happening?)
*Momo looks at Izuku then looks away closing her eyes*
(Momo: I was so close...)
(Tyusu: I think it's good.)
(Kirishima: Midoriya can be pretty fired up. Yaoyorozu was cool when she discussed the battle results.)

Time Skip 'Lunch Rush Cafeteria'...

~Pia's POV~

(Ochako: Wow, it's packed today too.)
(Lida: It's because the Support and Management Courses also meet here.)
*Ochako takes a bite of her rice*
(Ochako: This rice is so good!)
*Izuku sighs*
(Izuku: I'm so worried if I can be a good class president.)
(Ochako: Yes, you will.)
(Lida: You'll do fine.)
*I randomly then popped out of nowhere*
(Pia: Yeh! Their right.)
*Everyone startled by me and Ochako chokes on her rice*
(Pia: Eek- sorry Uraraka)
*I pat her back multiple times until she stopped coughing*
(Ochako: Ehehe.. it's ok Pia-.. next time don't do that again.)
*I sweatdrops and nod*
(Pia: Okay!)
*Lida then continued what he was talking about*
(Lida: The courage and judgment you show during critical times make you a worthy leader. That's why I voted for you.)
(Izuku: So it was you?)
(Pia: And me too!)
*I smiled at Izuku and Ochako smiles at me*
(Ochako: But didn't you want to be president too? You have the glasses.)
*Me and Izuku sweatdropped*
(Izuku's Mind: She's so straightforward at times.)
(Pia's Mind: Well that was straightforward-.)
*Lida swallowed his juice and also sweatdropped*
(Lida: Having the will and being suitable is different. I only did what I thought was right.)
(Izuku: -I...?)
(Ochako: -I...?)
(Pia: -I...?)
(Izuku: You never say that.)
*Ochako looks at me and whispered to my ear*
(Ochako: Grab a chair you must be tired from standing...)
*I nodded and grabbed a chair and sit next to Izuku*
(Lida: Well, that is...)
(Ochako: I was wondering...are you... -a rich boy?)
(Lida: -Rich Bo...)
*Lida stunned and sweatdrops*
(Lida: I was being careful since I didn't want anyone to call me that.)
*Me,Ochako,Izuku stared at Lida*

~Stare~ ~Stare~ ~Stare~ ~Stare~

*Lida sighs*
(Lida: I come from a long line of Heroes.)

And that is all folks for this chapter 😁 so see y'all later! Peace!✌️

Made in: 3/7/2023

~Bakugou's Little Chaos~ ✨Book 1✨Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz