}~Chapter 8~{

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(Aizawa: Physical fitness tests without using your Quirk. The country continues to calculate average based on uniform results Which is not logical. The Ministry of Education is just lazy. Didn't Bakugou come in first in the practice exam?)
*Katsuki slightly opens his mouth and everyone looks at him*
(Aizawa: In junior high, how many meters was your softball throw?)
*Katsuki closes his mouth and answers him*
(Katsuki: Sixty-seven meters.)
(Aizawa: Now do it using your Quirk.)


~No one's POV~

*☁️Poof☁️ everyone in there positions*

(Aizawa: You can do anything in the circle. Hurry, with all your might.)
*Katsuki stretches*
(Katsuki: Okay then...)
(Katsuki's Mind: I'll add a blast to this throw.)
*Katsuki throws the ball.*
(Katsuki: Die!)
*Ball flies through the air & Izuku confused*
(Izuku: Die?)
(Aizawa: First, come to know your maximum limit.)
*Ball lands on the ground and the phone beeps. Aizawa then face to his class*
(Aizawa: It's the most logical way to form a Hero's foundation.)
*He says showing his phone to his students*

(Everyone: Ohh!)
(Denki: Seven hundred and five meters, seriously?)
*Mina clapped her hand*
(Mina: It looks fun!)
(Sero: We can utilize our Quirk in this course.)
(Aizawa: "It looks fun", huh?)
*Everyone confused*
(Aizawa: Do you plan to become a Hero within three years with that attitude?)
(Izuku: Oh-...)
*Aizawa grins*
(Aizawa: Okay, whoever has the lowest overall score with these eight categories will be considered hopeless, and will be expelled.)
(Everyone: Huh?!)

~All Might POV~

*He facepalm and sweatdrops*
(All Might: He got Aizawa... It'll be a big obstacle.)

~In Izuku's POV~

*Aizawa doing a smug face and Izuku scared/worries, sweatdrops*

(Izuku's Mind: Expelled...? Oh no this is bad! And eight tests?)
*Izuku used his other hand and grabs his shaking hand*
(Izuku's Mind: My One For All can only let out either 100 or zero power.)
*Izuku sweating a lot*
(Izuku's Mind: I can't regulate it yet.)
*Aizawa cuts him off*
(Aizawa: We can choose what to do with our students.)
*Aizawa lifts his hair up & grins*
(Aizawa: Welcome, this is the Hero course of U.A.)
*Everyone smiles Katsuki grins and Izuku worried/scared& sweating a lot*
(Izuku's Mind: A huge challenge on my first day...What should I do?)
(Ochako: How can you expel us? It's only our first day! Even if it's not our first day, its unfair.)
(Aizawa: Natural disasters, enormous accidents and selfish Villains...we never know when or where they'll come. Japan is filled with unfairness. Heroes overturn those dire situations. If you wanted to have fun with friends, too bad. U.A will continue to give you trials within these three years. Over and beyond, Plus Ultra.
*Everyone sweatdrops*
*Aizawa wiggled his finger*

(Aizawa: Come with all you've got.)
(Everyone: Oh-)
*Lida grabs his water bottle and takes a sip*
(Lida's Mind: It's a weighty christening, but this is the best of the best. I must do it.)
*Katsuki stretches his arms*
(Katsuki's Mind: I can do better.)
*Ochako listens with determination in her eyes*
(Ochako: hm.)
(Aizawa: That's the end of our demonstration. The real deal starts now.)

First Test: 50 M Dash

(Robot: On your mark...get set...)
*Gun shoots and they dash Lida came first*
(Robot: 3.04 seconds.)
*Tsuyu came 2nd*
(Lida's Mind: I can only go to three gears in a 50 meter dash.)

Introduction by Mic:

Tenya Lida, His Quirk is Engine. As you can see, he is fast!

Back to the present (No one's POV)

(Aizawa: He's like a fish in water. Let's see how the others do.)
[Tsuyu Asui 5.58 seconds]
(Tsuyu: kero.)
*Ochako touches her clothes and shoes*
(Ochako: Make my clothes and shoes lighter.)

Another Mic introduction:

Ochako Uraraka, her Quirk is Zero Gravity.

*Aizawa watches*
(Robot: Get set...)
*Gun shoots and they started running*

She can cancel the gravity of anything she touches. She gets motion sickness when she overuses it.
*Ojiro came first and Ochako 2nd*
(Robot: 5.49 seconds. 7.15 seconds)
(Ochako: uwahaha!- I'm faster then I was in middle school.)
*Aoyama sparkle and chuckled*
(Aoyama: I see lack of creativity. Using your Quirk means...)
(Robot: On your mark...)
*Aoyama jumps and uses his Quirk*

(Aoyama: something like this!)

Yuuga Aoyama. His Quirk, Navel Laser. His navel shoots a laser.
*Aoyama stops shooting laser and lands on his butt & Mina ran past him and he stands back up using his Quirk*
Although his time is limited.
(Robot: 5.51 seconds.)
*Aoyama turns his head to Mina*
(Aoyama: If I blast it any longer, I get a tummy ache.)
*Aoyama sparkling*
(Sero,Mina,Denki,and Kirishima: What's wrong with him?)
(Aizawa's Mind: By using their Quirk to the max and seeing the room for growth, what they can or can't do becomes apparent.)
*Aizawa turns himself to Izuku and Katsuki*
(Robot: On your mark... get set...)

MUAHAHHA CLIFF HANGER or you can watch the episode if you like anyways see ya for the next chapter!

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MUAHAHHA CLIFF HANGER or you can watch the episode if you like anyways see ya for the next chapter!

Made on: 2/9/2023

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