Chapeter 1

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Wooyoung's day is going oh so great and by great I mean shit.

Wooyoung is a temporary caregiver for littles who are waiting for their perfect caregiver given this Wooyoung has never had his own little, however he has not been a temporary caregiver for a while, he is also a social psychologist or psychologist which he has a degree in as well as being a caregiver.

Back to the story Wooyoung's day is going shit or haywire( however you like to call it) firstly he has been fired from his job, you see he works in an asylum of sort where he is a psychologist of all sorts of people like the criminal insane or mental health although he mostly works in the criminal section, reason why? Was because he helped out the wrong type of person who was put in the criminally insane area where in fact the guy just had severe ADHD "escape" from the facility.

Secondly, he has been evicted from his house without notice ( that bastard of a landlord) for no reason whatsoever except the fact that the landlord said his job was too disturbing and that it was affecting the other tenants ( pathetic reason if you ask me).

Lastly, he just witnessed the murder of Jeon Jungkook (Yunho's cousin and allies with the Ateez gang) who was murdered by a member of the Stray Kids gang.

Honestly it is just hectic at this point Wooyoung doesn't know what to think at the scene.

The killer Lee Minho shoots at Wooyoung, coincidentally Wooyoung is saved by none other than the head of the Ateez mafia and is being taken by the said leader. Such a hassle

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