ch. 23

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alexandria black

In the hours of dark twilight, I allow my mind to travel to the places it shouldn't.

Landon has not left my side intentionally since he arrived to the hospital. Benjamin was able to get in contact with me and sent Landon over to check on me, but every now and then Noah and Vince will step in with flowers or a simple hello.

I can't seem to find the right words to comprehend what it is I'm feeling. Is it sadness? Anger? The painkillers? The days and nights pass me by without a second glance. It could be hundreds of years into the future, and I will never truly know if it's true. For all I know, I could be close to death.

God, if you are above, I think to myself, please give me guidance. I messed up.

Eddie and Chloe and the everything was perfectly normal before Christian and Antares allowed me to let it fall apart. I brought this upon myself. Getting involved with someone like him only got me hurt.

"Miss.Black?" The nurse, whose name I have discovered is Georgia, stands in the doorway. She shares a look with Landon before turning to me. "You have a visitor."

My heart skips a beat. Usually, she doesn't announce the other two members of the Malevolence.

"Eddie?" The name escapes without thinking, unsure if I could contain my excitement.

Georgia stands to the side as I watch the devil walk through instead. Chills run through my veins until my skin is ice cold. There is an entire world that he could be, but he's here instead. He chose to haunt me rather than let the world hear his voice.

My very own devil – my siren.

Landon jumps to his feet and marches over to Christian. "You have five seconds to turn around before-"

"Before what?" He growls with a chuckle. "I'm just coming to collect what's mine."

He makes it sound like I belong to him. Like I am his to torture.

Landon stands directly in front of him. "Are you drunk?"

Christian pats Landon on the shoulder. "Does it matter?"

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat your ass right now, Stone." Landon demands, blocking Christian's view of me helpless.

"Because I own you too, asshole." Christian speaks. "You touch me, you're out of the band." He takes one step closer to Landon and mutters something in his ear.

Landon's skin is white as a sheet, turning back to me with a helpless expression. I pray he's not going to leave me alone with him, but when he walks out the door, I suspect he has.

Christian shuts the door behind him, locking us both inside. The moment I hear the lock click, the heart monitor picks up speed. I'm more than scared – I'm completely petrified of what he is capable of.

With every step closer he takes, the more I wish I could melt into the sheets.

"Found you, little angel." His voice manipulates.

I don't even realize my eyes are shut when he says it. I want to scream until my organs give out, but I cant seem to find enough strength. He makes me weak every time he comes around. I hate the control he has over me without even trying. It burns me alive.

His fingers grab my chin and force to meet his hateful gaze. The forceful action makes me open my eyes and when I find myself staring into the devil's blue eyes, I want to vomit.

He's come to kill me.

The same fingers gentle move to my hair, pushing a strand behind my ear. I'm shaking to the touch.

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